Choosing who to vote for

last edited June 28, 2022, 8:57 a.m. by Steve

9-8 Elections & Exploitations


Date Team participants National participants
June 27, 2022 Steve, Rhett Kokoma, Torokum, Kobumbua reps


On a chopper day leaders and young men from Kokoma, Torokum and Kobumbua met in the lotu to discuss who to vote for. 2 Young guys were promoting a candidate and writing names of those who intend to vote in a notebook. The discussion was focussed on who to vote for for the Josephstaal LLG, with not much said about the Madang candidate.

Kokoma lies at the edge of ward 25, with it going up to Musupum.


Tactical voting seemed to be going on. They new their few hundred votes wouldn't decide the LLG, so they all decided to vote for the candidate they thought most likely to win. The candidate has promised kapa to the villages that vote for him and backing a losing candidate means getting nothing. Kavaluku asked how the kapa would be given - will it be delivered or would they have to go get it. A vague answer was given in response. There was talk about finally receiving government services. The two young men seemed to drive the meeting forward.


Choosing a candidate
last edited June 28, 2022, 8:57 a.m. by Steve