Yatali gets sick

last edited Aug. 11, 2022, 4:38 p.m. by Steve

3-8 Health & Sickness 5-10 Rituals & Ceremonies


Date Team participants National participants
Aug. 7, 2022 Steve Yatali's family


Yatali's family told us he was really sick and we needed to see him, bringing some meat for the pig they killed for him. We told them we'd hike to Wasim Baganag tasol. They carried him on a stretched and came and fetched me. I gave cotrimoxizole for pneumonia


There seemed quite a bit of confidence that he would be ok now because they'd killed a pig, everyone was wanbel with us missionaries and because I gave medicine. "He's going to get better" seemed to be the agreed on talk.

In the text he says that he tried killing the pig and talking sorry, but it didn't work so he came to us.


Yatali's father in law talks about Yatali sick
last edited Aug. 11, 2022, 4:38 p.m. by Steve

    Speaker: Yatali's father in law

Orthographic text

satede ogoo kemelum yeel olot. sande ogoo kum etelig kele ig amot. Mande ogoo abagam yogomo etelig umut, Tunde etelig eeg igamot. Trinde etelig eeg agamot. Fonde etelig eeg igamot. Fraide etelig eeg igamot. Nisil kogot obob wondoomung. Satede ogoo kogot obob wondoomung. Sande megegel kobol amom, amb, mu bele kala ogo tolob. Komee sande obob teb, nonn monduwa obugum ogoo tolob. Su mande ogonn, na su kom ogoo tobogonn. onn etelig umungee pinot ebefee nom stoli nom amongom egee yab kom ogoo tebegee su amasi yabi ogoo neninn ogoo lobom.

Samuel talks about wanbel
last edited Aug. 11, 2022, 4:38 p.m. by Steve

    Speaker: Samuel

Orthographic text

Ugosobol tobot teb at oo inda imom nog yogwa yamung yab asam ulomoomung onn etelig egee umut nom pinot megite tugub egee obot nom ulomong. ulomb eb among yam igisisu tondee om salib pugub ee hobol amb nom nala ogo tolob tobong. ombo ologwa ig oo endetenn mohis wog klan om hes nom osigim lumasi egee ees abagam bili utee egee nelis mohis etelig om me bili ang eb abagam bili nom egee nelis ombo hobol om tondee his endetenn nom egee angom

Brother takes care of Yatali sick
last edited Aug. 11, 2022, 4:38 p.m. by Steve

    Speaker: Yatali's brother

Orthographic text

enn isagum om etelig umali enn musu pigom enn musu peg tugolom yom yab ig onn bele mu kalalali bele bele kalalali enn kogot obom enn kogot obobi wondom. wondabi mogogol kobol amom amom me onn bele mu kolot onn kalali musu kom kait pigom koka ogoo pigom nom yab ig ee teb mogogol kobol amb mandaga kwam bego laba kipannaba molomo utub ogoo telebi obob, obobi nyem pigeb obobi ogoo tobomung teb mo obogum go ogoo pigomung igong ogoo onn mokomunn aga naga onn sande ogoo nyem pigeb obob tobomung wasim baganag teb pisisu mo sande ogoo teb mokomonn nolot mande ogoo teb mokomonn nolot, tunde ogoo teb mokomonn nolot, trinde mokomonn teb ogoo nolot, su fonde ogoo teb mokomonn ogoo nonong naga onn bele bele kaga bele kogot teb konn utogot teb kom su meleb egee igisinn komee molob igisinn nisil aleg egee yann yab egee libinn enn kobol agam angom egee teb gege