Dramat shoots his wild pig

last edited June 27, 2023, 3:10 p.m. by Steve

1-10 Farming & Ranching 7-13 Buying; Selling & Consuming steve-DA


Dramat's pig ran away from him and became aggressive. He shot it and sold the meat.


Dramat shoots his pig
last edited June 27, 2023, 3:10 p.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

Samuel hogot undum hutee esoot oo oboom oo hooloogat hooloogat hala (correction - holoogat holoot) hooloogat heleb tooloo yat tooloo yab igita musom teenn haga manda manda ham oo Lunamond yomboo moosugog pigoom moosugog agabi lotoom (correction - hogot agabi holot) moosugog pigisi nomboo abagala (hogot oboogoloot) ham oo nomboo ilib (Dramat) ooboogooloob haga enninnot nala nesonn ndugub ooboogooloob agamb om musom hiyol hiyol ooboogooloob (suggested correction for last 11 lines: hogot agabi hala moosugog pigisi hogot ooboogooloot enninot nala nesonn ndugub agamb musom ooboogooloom) wi tugub oboob yab pigeb haga sesee lub (correction - humee lub) hot obugum humee lub wi tugub sesee lub soosoogoob yam yam yab aleg wog nom egee yam Hogumam yab yab hegigol yab pigoom nomboo igisinn eb pigoom oo om ig lagab (correction - lagab liboot) heleb teb ogoo humee (name of place) ilib teb om liboot Womunee om, Namsug ogoo om ilib om igita haga mena isig isig om nemb mandeb nom nala wondug eb amb yab yab yab i hoomee enn honn iluwoo ab ogoo iluwoo honn hoomee ab om ogootooloob ilinim em oomoo Samuel onn ogoo heleb om amoot oo "hogot om heb wendee et" eb (he said) amb ogootooloob iluwa ham oo hoomee loolom om yab (dramat) heb (dramat lukim) mandeb oomas om ilib ee (dramat) ham oo (dramat sees pig) oombas omboo manda manda (dramat) heb (dramat) lagab (pig) iluwa (pig) heleb (dramat) hem oboob ilam wesi (dramat singaut) Tobee om iluwa Tobee nog ombul salamb (chasing pig) ilib wondusu iluwa (pig) ogootooloob loogooneeng wig heb hulil Biksi wosu (they sing) ilib (Biksi) abagala (Biksi) wondoomung (people) wondoob oboob teb om pigeb teb Tobee ogoo amisi (dramat talks) engee (do this for me) higoot (he would say higu to tobee, but it's past) higeb hipundub obu lub (lusim tasol) wi tugula (tobee) ogootooloob Samuel om teme toboot Samuel om teme teb amoot oo “mee munum ogoo pigug et” mee munum ogoo pigug om amoomung yam omboo nom hipundub nom boilim pi (correction: nomol nonot eteb) embeb eteb nomol nonot eteb embeb (correction: ombob, to prepare food) eteb nomol nonot eteb (unecessary repetition) embeb eteb otoot (cook, repetition of eteb) oboob et oo manda (dramat) et oo mohis ebis et et omboo enn omonn (correction - mehamonn) nom asam nooloom i wi tugub ogootooloob hoogoom o su om asamog hoogoom oo endeteeng minda nog oguwat oboob ilib Ogoo Humee ilib minda minda tol ab ogoo pigeb ogootooloob hoogoom oo (indicates desire or thinking. musu oboogoom is a suggested correction) mohis ibib (dramat wants to see) hutee meme sinnol hebigondoo oboob mandenim hoogoom (me talk, tingting olsem) mandisi abasi ogootooloob etee henim (kamap long haus, back to his own house) hoogoom hoomee nom musu hebigondoo endet nom his hala lugum nom aminim hoogoom egee angoom