mena peleg feast

last edited May 29, 2024, 12:08 p.m. by Steve

7-11 Welfare & Assistance 3-17 Celebrations; Rites & Initiations


There's a food gathering and feast event that happens for first fruits


Mena peleg
last edited May 29, 2024, 12:08 p.m. by Steve

Olunann - mena peleg
last edited May 29, 2024, 12:08 p.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

(when the food is ready we do mena peleg. We all talk, get the food and do a bung. We cut the food up into the clan, and we eat a little bit. When do you do it? April/May. When the food is first ready we eat, some dig the food. Have you eaten mena peleg? we're just eating the food. You haven't eaten mena peleg? no we ate it separately. At mena peleg we get sinnol and we meet and we eat and separate the food and eat it. That's what we do. Did you do that this year? We don't know. Food is there. Some people's is done and they are planting. So 2024 there's no mena peleg? Was there one in 2023? yes. )

Kavaluku - mena peleg
last edited May 29, 2024, 12:08 p.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

(we plant, when it's ready we get the peleg. We eat it, we put things in the house. We cut new gardens in June/July, in August burn the clippings and plant. Sept 16 we celebrate. You're digging food now, is it mena peleg? No, it's become strong and there's grass. We're cutting gardens and we'll plant. We'll plant the stuff we've stored in houses. Stuff becomes peleg, when we dig it it isn't peleg....)