Amon's sister is buried

last edited Nov. 1, 2023, 2:38 p.m. by Steve

3-10 Burial & Funeral Practices culture-summary


Date Team participants National participants
Aug. 24, 2022 Stanleys, Stous Ogoomam


Amon's sister died after a sickness that lasted a month or two. She was buried.


Ningalam talks about the burial
last edited Nov. 1, 2023, 2:38 p.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

etelig ogoo obot etelig obot endetenn his hogu alimot hes wi holot hes wi holot ogoo tolob musom halimot hot halimb agamb ogoo tolob hogu nomol his holot hebi ogoo tolob uma pigeb agamomung agamb teleb Amon sket utee obot enn utee obom ebebi onn ogoo osoomung heseb pigomung pigeb ogoo tolob pigisu igita tumunn wendemind sul hogu obob ilib hangimemind umemind sul hogu wog ilib hangib nesonn ndugelemind wi tugub mohis hangimemind mohis hangib om ndugulasi igita tumunn wendemind tumunn wondob wi tugub amasi onnomo obob yamind obob yabi pigemind tumunn ogoo pigasi ogoo tolob ig undum honnot yog mesag yamind yogwasi ogoo tolob ig om yamung yab agamb ogoo tolob tumunn om wondob ab pigwasi ogoo tolob libomung Reks yog onong agamot agamb ogoo teleb ig mesag libisu Reks sogu tubub libot yambonn uwabigeb holoo motob nesonn ndugub tumunn wendeb pigasi teleb pigomung hobol hebingondo egee angom