Ulumo straightens a heavy in town

last edited July 7, 2023, 2:29 p.m. by Steve

3-3 Marriage & Family 6-3 Standard Procedures & Legal Norms steve-DA


Date Team participants National participants
Sept. 7, 2022 Steve Ulumo, Ivan


I got a text about Ulumo's trip to town where he paid the family of Ivan's first wife. Ivan got rid of her for "flirting with the other guys"


Ulumo straightens a hevi in town
last edited July 7, 2023, 2:29 p.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

ig ab ogoo agamb i ogootooloob salib yamung yamung yab womoom yagam Pam (Wewak company camp) ogoo yab agamoomung agamb i ogootooloob satede ogoo Silas mesag ilat (came to north coast, to Oya) ilib Oya heb agamoot agamb i amoot [pinot] wig ogoo libas (silas talks, there's no hevi here where Iven got his wife) et ooguwa ogootooloob ig ilamung (he said that and we went) mande ogoo ig om ilamung yamung yab ilib mohis lida magistrate wogoonoong ulomoomung mohis homongot wogoonoong ulomoomung ulumusu Ivan nom stoli teme onn ogootooloot stoli (hobol) nom onn hobol amoot hobol amb i stoli nom agamb egee yat yab yab i wi tugub hamind oo teme onn omonn yot egemee yab mohis nom wogoonoong mandeb nom yot heb ogootooloob hamind (everyone sees that bad pasin) noonn emind omonn bili emind (they said Iven's pasin is good) teme omonn yot omboo ogootoogonn? emind nonn mu wondoogonn? emind (yu no like paitim em na lusim?) wondoob emind ogootala emind (magistrate says you should hit her na lusim) dra moni mu egee oboob looboogonn aga emind pusilim munum mu egee oboob looboogon aga (if you hit her you wouldn't have to pay money, they said, they lied) emind heb i noog amemind noonn pinot agabi wig (hevi i no bikpela) emind pinot agabi wig emi (i no bikepla olsem na) emind su emind moni [puslilim munum] ig obugum ogoo pi emind ooguwasi moni nom wog obugum ogoo piya [piguwa] niningat emind 500 Ivan oogonn [ongoo] 500 teme omboo oogonn [ongoo] om 1000 niningat teb hamind 1000 heb amemind noonn pinot hebigondoo om wi tugugonn emind su omboo inee emind hoomee salib emind asamog his (moning yet) emind Kobugam (maket place) yab emind om bus [nimendee] ebeb i emind yu emind ooguwasi ogootooloob ig wog hebegenee nom salamb hum endeteeng toboomung moo Ivan hobol egee agamoot nom hobol hebigondoo nom yab i wi tugula ogootooloob mee mee nom Oya obugum ogoo pigeb [ogootooloob] looboomung oo see om abagam bili egee naga yam omboo sibelig mee mee (bel hat na katim, that they avoided) nom toboot om oo noogul hum bili yogoonoong igita (goodness is with us) mandeb mee mee nom subabigeb (we avoided these things) ogooteleb liboong omboo abagam bili hum egee igu enn hobol tandeng nom egee angoom