Fat sow from town

last edited Nov. 17, 2022, 4:55 p.m. by Rhett

1-10 Farming & Ranching


there's that Fat sow from town that Keli, Silas, and Moolulu bought for K200. It recently had piglets (Stitzel likely the father) and so I took the opportunity to talk to Keli and them about it


Keli talking about the pigs
last edited Nov. 17, 2022, 4:55 p.m. by Rhett

    Speaker: Keli

Orthographic text

(Rhett) Nasim mesag aminim. Nasim oom moogom hogot? Hogot nasim oom ig mohis 3pla hogot. Enn, moolulu, silas. ig mohis endeteeng. Rhett: oondoomboo oboomwa? Nambis yoomboo ???? Rhett: pusilim munum migitee oboomwa hot ambul pigomung. 200 pigeb amung Rhett: oom noonoong agabi? noonoong agabisig Rhett: migitee tugub ndetee noonoong agabi yog oboomwa noom company utee ndet hogot oom salib(?) pigee yam. pendebigoot yam noom ndet, oonnol price egee nooloot. Noomoo ig oboomung. hogot undum oboomung. onn ina abooloom 200 lo 5 ??? Rhett: Price 200 kina, migitee tugub price salumut...yog salumwa (salumoomwa) hogot undum oom, igel oboomung. mu ege pendebigug. egee um obung (pigin confusion) Rhett: ooh, nasim nasim noonn nasim agamb angong? noom igu ya mu hang. igel, igel agambi hobol migitee tugub amug ig Rhett: ndeteng his, undum temee ambul maloomunn ambul hutam, moogom moogom egee ebis enn, moolulu, silas, rimon, klemens Rhett (muttering) moogom temee egee ebinn? noom enn mu amoong yam. moolulu hogot abooloom ebinim yam eb ig, silas ebinim yam ig? Igel mu amoong. Ulamb(?) hobol amb, silas moolulu enn, ig isugum(?) ??? hobol amb agamb hutee amee(?) hogot abooloom egee ebenim eb ig(?). hutee haga enn mamulee ebinim eb mu sila honn. ebigondo oomboo hiyal egee gisis agabi ala sila ndet Rhett: iyoo bili hogot ??? obug

Moolulu about the fat sow
last edited Nov. 17, 2022, 4:55 p.m. by Rhett

    Speaker: Moolulu

Orthographic text

ig hogot agabi noom utee wig oomboo endet... hogot ooloogwa utam his tooloom agamb agambi, hogot noom utee obug eb musu migemb, money osugim noom amung. mehomong osugim ilu, keli obumwa pigisu, oboob ya, hogot ab inoom oboot. oboob liba endet, amoong noom tooloom yabi agabi ala, undum lama eb pigebug amung. oomboo...ootooloomoot abi se oom agabi ilee udum loomoot. undum eyim loomoot, noom epigee igel utam utam egee obug. utam utam oboob, utee inoomboo lama noomboo pendebigug