Picking sweet potato branches for planting

last edited Dec. 31, 2021, 1:18 a.m. by Gerdine

1-8 Gardening & Gathering


Amon took Natalie and me to one of her gardens. Cinthia and Daik came along as well. We waited for the rain to stop first. When we left it wasn't raining anymore. The purpose of the trip was to pick branches of sweet potato plants for replanting in a new garden (the next day). It started raining pretty hard again soon after we arrived and started gathering the branches. Cinthia gave us banana leaves to hide under. Then Amon called us to come hide in the garden shelter a few meters away. We sat there for at least 30 min. It was still raining when Amon went back to work again. She also started digging up some sweet potatoes to eat that evening. She then filled up her bilum with the branches and sweet potatoes and we made our way back home.


Question Asked by Answer Answered by
Do people always hide from the rain? Gerdine May 12, 2020, 7:46 p.m.
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