Making a fire

last edited Nov. 8, 2022, 1:43 p.m. by Steve

1-6 Energy; Power & Fire


Natalie and I wanted to roast some food on the fire. Samuel and Ulomo came to help us build the fire. I tried lighting it with the moss on some twigs. Ulomo said that only in dry season that will work, now in wet season they use plastic to light a fire. They first put little pieces of wood down and then put the burning plastic on. Then they stack more small pieces of wood on top and then line it with bigger pieces. Ulomo had cut some wood shavings beforehand to use. The fire needs to be big first before putting food on it. Angondi came over later with a bit of burning wood because she wanted to help us start the fire.


People prefer using pieces of burning wood to start a fire, rather than plastic.


building a fire
last edited Nov. 8, 2022, 1:43 p.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

enn mut obogom obob ilib salaha ogom salaha esesi sasa liba obob hutam tugub pigob masis obob etesi i ee etesi ogwa agabi agabi ebe ebe lolomb ogoo pigob tutub obob pigisi hutam ombo ebe ilil libigee hoog mesag hoog ilib libigee ilib mut liba mut agabi agabi obob pigisi mut egee eb agabi aga


Question Asked by Answer Answered by
Is there a plan for firewood collection or is it gathered just when there is a need? Gerdine May 13, 2020, 8:54 a.m.
Fires are made to cook and to get warm when it's raining, also for other reasons? Gerdine May 13, 2020, 8:54 a.m.