water and salt interviews

last edited Dec. 7, 2022, 2:02 p.m. by Steve

1-7 Food & Drink


Basic questions about water and other things:

  1. megite ab ogoo nomol nyo obob igwonn ig? (where do you get drinking water?)
  2. nomol umi hot undub igugund, om mehamonn mogom? (who's job is it to fill water bottles?)
  3. hwaninn honn ogoo nomol ebigis wi aga o wig? (in dry season is water short?)
  4. nonn nomol ninim eb, endet nomol umi hot obob nomol egee nininn o nomol ogoo yaninnn ig? (when you want to drink do you drink from a bottle or go to the river?)
  5. megite ab ogoo tomonn obob igwonn ig? (where do you get salt?)
  6. tomonn otoloo megite tugub neleb iguguma ig? (how do you make bush salt?)
  7. megite ab ogoo ogwab obob igwonn ig? (where do you get lime?)
  8. ogwab otoloo megite tugub neleb iguguma ig? (how do you make bush lime?)


Interview - Silas, water
last edited Dec. 7, 2022, 2:02 p.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

1. megite ab ogoo nomol nyo obob igwonn ig? eseelumand eseelumand ogoo yab obob igung hyol ogoo negilat mondu yab ogoo igung se ombo nomol tenn om se lomong yam 2. nomol umi hot undub igugund, om mehamonn mogom? 0:00:17 teme nomol undub igugund undum nomol undub igugund honn hyol ogoo moloomunn ig nomol undub igung ig tenn mehamonn nom neleb nom igung 3. hwaninn honn ogoo nomol ebigis wi aga o wig? 0:00:32 hwaninn honn ogoo nomol esagam leb yambonn ogoo wigatom wi eleb igu nomol pusilim nom egee igisinn ebigis egee wi ann hebingondo eleg egee igisinn igita obob igung. eseelumand om nomol pusilim? eseelumand nomol pusilim ogoo ombo om hebingondo aleg amb igu Negilat mandee 4. nonn nomol ninim eb, endet nomol umi hot obob nomol egee nininn o nomol ogoo yaninnn ig? 0:01:00 nomol ab ogoo wig nom nomol umi hot obob nomol egee yanim. ig undub obob ilib pigwasi igisinn om pigisu igisinn om nomol ninim eb nomol umi hot obob nemb igung 5. megite ab ogoo tomonn obob igwonn ig? 0:01:22 tomonn utee tomonn honnot om nambis his yab igung taun ogoo obob igung igel tomonn otoloo om igel ab ogoo otoloo pigeb hus, hus hogu tomonn hyol ogoo tolob ogoo nim otusu ogwa tomonn ala nom obob angib pigisu ata salab ogoo nemb igung 7. megite ab ogoo ogwab obob igwonn ig? 0:01:48 ogwab igel ab ogoo nim hogu igu igwa oto eteb igung se ombo om hyol ogoo nambis yaga tomonn nomol ogoo sel ombo obob mut eteb ogwab tugub pigond yam nombo obob igung

Interview - Mosiligam, water, salt
last edited Dec. 7, 2022, 2:02 p.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

1: 0:00:00 2: 0:00:27 3: 0:01:19 4: 0:01:41 5: 0:02:18 7: 0:03:52

Interview - Tabi, salt and kamban
last edited Dec. 7, 2022, 2:02 p.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

1: 0:00:01 2: 0:00:33 3: 0:01:10 4: 0:01:33 5: 0:02:08 6: 0:02:20 7: 0:05:26