Fish and tobacco interviews

last edited Dec. 14, 2022, 12:05 p.m. by Steve

1-7 Food & Drink


Questions on:

  1. hambolta nemb igwonn ig o wig? (do you eat fish or not?)
  2. megite ab ogoo hambolta obob igwonn ig? (where do you get fish?)
  3. hambolta honn honn nemb igwonn ig o honn hutam hutam nemb igwonn ig? (how often do you eat fish?)
  4. hambolta obob tol ab ogoo libigonn megite ala tugub nemb igwonn ig? (how do you prepare it?)
  5. megite tugub habu lambigeb igwonn ig? (how do you smoke?)
  6. honn honn habu lambigeb igwonn ig o honn hutam hutam? (how often do you smoke?)
  7. megite ab ogoo habu obob igwonn ig? (where do you get tobacco?)
  8. megite henee ogoo habu lambigeb igwonn ig? (why do you smoke?)
  9. honn habu ebigis wi aga o wi aga, megite mehamonn neleb igwonn ig? (what do you do when tabocco is short/finished?)


Interview - Set, fish and habu
last edited Dec. 14, 2022, 12:05 p.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

1: 0:00:00 2: 0:00:07 3: 0:00:18 4: 0:00:30 5: 0:01:03 6: 0:01:43 7: 0:02:07 8: 0:02:33 9: 0:03:11

Interview - Dramat, fish + habu
last edited Dec. 14, 2022, 12:05 p.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

1: 0:00:00 hambolta nemb igwonn ig o wig? hambolta nemb igung hambolta otoloo o ambolta ab hulum? hambolta tin otoloo nemb igugum ab hulum wom om nemb igugum 2: 0:00:17 megite ab ogoo hambolta obob igwonn ig? ig otoloo ab omboo nomol Yagib ogoo obob igung nemb igung. ab hulum ogoo yab tol ab sindee yabi me munum ogoo pigeb nemb igung maket obob igwonn ig o wig? maket ogoo hambolta wondob eb teb pigwasi nom ogoo nemb igung his 3: 0:00:49 hambolta honn honn nemb igwonn ig o honn hutam hutam nemb igwonn ig? om hutam hutam his nemb igung, hwaninn honn ala nomol yagib ogoo yab yogoomoo hutam hutam heseb nomol heseb oloo nemb igung sib honn mu heseb iguguma ig? sib honn ogoo mu heseb igung nomol ongo teb nom mu heseb igung. ubilot egee pusilim ubilot egee igu nomol agabi eleb obum ungum igita logooneng mu ogoo heseb igung lagab egenee agamb igung 4: 0:01:32 hambolta obob tol ab ogoo libigonn megite ala tugub nemb igwonn ig? hambolta hebingondo hutam his obob ilib igung ogoo duandum mut om eteb nemb igugund. tondee yolee ilonn ubiyan obob ilib nom sebee holoo mut ab omboo neleb ogoo omoo elinne hipalib teleb teb omboo ilib igung omboo elinee otub mut otoosu eb oli elinnee ilwa ogoo tolob mena embeb teb igung mena embeb teb asam omboo pigeb nemb igung om hyol ogoo hum nemb igung endet nom namong 5: 0:02:11 megite tugub habu lambigeb igwonn ig? habu om agamb agambi om musom ogwoo hogog ennel eleb nom nala na, tutumul ilib, me neleb habu lambiginim eb ogoo omoo, habu sog obob elinne tugub igung elinne nomboo eleb hebigee mut ogoo ogwonn eteb otob mondog obob i pigeb igung pigeb mut otoosu ogwa lambigeb pombonn eleb igung endet nom amb egee nang 6: 0:02:39 honn honn habu lambigeb igwonn ig o honn hutam hutam? habu honn honn lambigeb igung ongoloo ongoloo lambigom. asamog inemb salib eleb lambigeb igung honn tenn yab ulinam lama inemb his siligitob igung. asamog salib om habu lambigong yam habu om endet lambigong 7: 0:03:02 megite ab ogoo habu sog obob igwonn ig? habu sog hyol ogoo mohis heseb igugund mohis sa si obob teb lambigeb igung hyol ogoo ennel mogut ogoo ubub yogoomoo hipundub olagul ala hipundub obob ilib pigeb elinne ala lambigeb igung habu mogut igu o? habu mogut igom o ubum o mena mogut megine ubub igwonn? nyee, nyem om agabi ala endet glas mogut higeb undonn egee eteb igung habu ubub igung mena mogut higeb ubung om undonn eteb igung habu wondob igung endet nom nang. om mehamonn yab wig wi ala hum om agamb nom habu mogut wees teb ubong yam. habu musu o habu logooneng ala hipundub wi tugub teb mena uma ubung endet nom a nang 9: 0:03:55 honn habu ebigis wi aga o wi aga, megite mehamonn neleb igwonn ig? habu om ebigis wi ala nom ennel eb agama habu wi igeb nom tombulee mohis igeb yab igugum. Hobumbua yab igung, Pusila igel eninn yom, hogomam hulum yab igung, ogom me munum yab pigwasi yat habu wig omboo hum agamb wi tugulom ab wees igond yam habu mu lambigeb igwonn, nonn etelig igisinn, o bodi bilong yu pilim olsem habu i mas kam? his umann wig, his umann wig omoo habu lambigeb igung olog olug habu lamibgeb omboo onn tenn hum agab ongoo endet, sogu olu olu eleb igung mehamonn olu eleb ig musu ilib igu ig musu habu om yab igung. habu lambigeb om musu mehamonn neleb aleg mandeb musu endet nom misem hobol amb mesee mesee ilib agamb endet nom neleb igung. habu nom lambigeb nom musu yoog aga egee amb igung, endetenn nang

Interview - Samuel, fish + habu
last edited Dec. 14, 2022, 12:05 p.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

1: 0:00:00 2: 0:00:04 3: 0:00:12 4: 0:00:30 5: 0:00:56 6: 0:01:19 7: 0:01:31 8: 0:01:57 9: 0:02:14