Questions about wet and dry season

last edited Dec. 20, 2022, 6:58 p.m. by Steve

3-22 Daily & Cyclic Routines 1-1 Geography & Weather


  1. megite ebinnam goo sib honn igu? (what months are rainy season?)
  2. sib honn ogoo megite mehamonn neleb igwonn ig? (what work do you do in rainy season?)
  3. megite ebinnam ogoo hwaninn honn igu? (what months are dry season?)
  4. hwaninn honn ogoo megite mehamonn neleb igwonn ig? (what work do you do in dry season?)
  5. hwaninn honn ogoo megite mehamonn neleb igwonn ig om sib honn mu neleb igwonn? (what work do you do in dry season that you don't do in wet season?)


Interview - Komoni, seasons
last edited Dec. 20, 2022, 6:58 p.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

1: 0:00:00 (Dec - Feb/Apr) 2: 0:00:26 (he says he doesn't do anything) 3: 0:00:58 (Mar/Apr - Oct) 4: 0:01:26 (he says he cuts gardens, burns cuttings and plants) 5: 0:02:09 (he says he works in dry season, cutting gardens, weeding)

Interview - Soso, Seasons
last edited Dec. 20, 2022, 6:58 p.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

1: 0:00:00 megite ebinnam goo sib honn igu? 3,4 nom sib laba honn om yal krismas honn sib lobonn yal. yal nonn eni nom sib laba 2: 0:00:20 sib honn ogoo megite mehamonn neleb igwonn ig? sib laba honn ogoo endet igel mehamonn moogut, moogut mehamonn ogoo sib laba omboo om agamb om mehamonn hyol ogoo neleb igung yobug hipundub ig o esee moogut peg tugoolug ig o simonn moogut peg tugoolug ig o mehamonn endet nom neleb igung 3: 0:00:44 megite ebinnam ogoo hwaninn honn igu? 7,8 honn nomboo endet hwaninn honn 4: 0:00:55 hwaninn honn ogoo megite mehamonn neleb igwonn ig? moogut higeb igung moogut higeb undonn eteb toloogot pigeb mena ubub igung mehamonn hyol ogoo endet hwaninn honn ongoo olo mehamonn nom hwaninn om ogoo neleb igung 5: 0:01:10 hwaninn honn ogoo megite mehamonn neleb igwonn ig om sib honn mu neleb igwonn? ig ogwab otob, otob om nom endet sib honn ogoo mu neleb igung hwaninn honn ogoo his neleb igung tomonn otob nom hwaninn honn ogoo singu neleb igung ombolta obob igwonn? ombolta obob nomol his om honn endet hwaninn honn ogoo neleb igung megite honn ogoo Madang ogoo yab igwonn ig? nom endetenn eb igung hwaninn honn bili yoog igisa yab igung om yogom musu ebeb endet sib laba singu yab igung meme ogoo hutam eleb wol wig o bateli wig, masis om igita nom sib laba singu yab igung

Interview - Yagil, seasons
last edited Dec. 20, 2022, 6:58 p.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

1: 0:00:00 (Nov - June) 2: 0:00:31 (he doesn't work, just little work) 3: 0:00:46 (July - Sept) 4: 0:01:08 (harvesting yams, cutting gardens, planting gardens) 5: 0:01:35 (he does work, in wet season he doesn't)