Interviews about bush houses

last edited Dec. 19, 2022, 8:53 p.m. by Steve

1-4 Structures & Buildings


Basic questions on bush houses:

  1. mohis mogom nonn tol ab imeb igugund? (who sleeps in your house?)
  2. megite ab ogoo otooloo tol ab lomoteb igwonn ig? (where do you build bush houses?)
  3. nonn tol ab otooloo megitet igwonn ig? (how many bush houses do you have?)
  4. megite minda otoloo tol ab pigeb igwonn ig? (what things do you put in your bush house?)


Interview - Soso, bush house
last edited Dec. 19, 2022, 8:53 p.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

1: 0:00:00 (his family, his brother and wife, his mother and father) 2: 0:00:22 (Hogumam bush, Glen has one in Womune. Not inside gardens, on flat places on ridges by roads) 3: 0:01:00 (1) 4: 0:01:08 (pots, plates, bush knife. If he wants to go there he goes nothing and the pot and plates are there. He has 3 pots in total. 1 in his bush house)

Interview - Mosiligam, bush houses
last edited Dec. 19, 2022, 8:53 p.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

1: 0:00:00 (we do. wife, children, mum. Brother has his own house) 2: 0:00:40 (Siminoo) 3: 0:01:01 (1, it's built on a poolon) 4: 0:01:38 (pots, plates. He has lots of pots. He leaves a pot down there)