Christmas eve candlelight service

last edited Nov. 6, 2023, 9:15 a.m. by Steve

5-10 Rituals & Ceremonies steve-DA


Date Team participants National participants
Dec. 24, 2022 Steve, Rhett Kokoma


We were invited to see a candlelight service. The program went:

  1. song
  2. program
  3. song
  4. prayer
  5. reading (Luke2)
  6. catechism (apotle's creed)
  7. message (Sibil)
  8. song
  9. Lord's prayer
  10. song
  11. Ulumo strongs the talk


Questions after service
last edited Nov. 6, 2023, 9:15 a.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

0:00:00 (Where did the song book come from? Silas bought the song book and gave it to Sibil) 0:00:53 (The reason we did the service Philip had seen it but you hadn't) 0:01:08 (You did this because we asked to see it? yes) 0:01:23 (Did your ancestors do this? No, Sibil started it) 0:02:17 (Did you stop when we the white people came?:sometimes we lotu, sometimes we don't) 0:03:24 (sibil answers we don't know how to do it properly)

Ulumo - you need to listen good
last edited Nov. 6, 2023, 9:15 a.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

hobol nom ee tok tondee yog tondee migimas mee mee ogoo nang om endeteeng mut peg om amb i ee wog looboogoond (we white people) amb i ee ig mu heb igung emind (white people said we haven't seen it) ooguwasi (we said we wanted the candles) amoomung endeteeng amoomung oo mut peg om egee igisinn oomung (amoomung, this light should happen) ig egee igung (we'll stap long em) ab om egee yog yosila pigug eb i (amomoomung nom) yosila pigoong yosila pigoong omboo hobol egee amisi migingima angoom om om piksa (higitunn) om angoom oolooguwo (behind) yog yo ebeb (kisim mipela) egee yooguwasi wog bili [holug] (the missionaries will take us and we'll stap good) om ig hum ogoo nang amb i yot tugang heb mu amas (you can't look and think we're bagarpim) noogul hum nang om hogu ogoo nang (shell tasol mipela wokim) oolooguwo (behind, long time) humum ogoo yogoonoong egee yis (behind they'll go with us to the head) hobol noogul egee yogoonoong angoom (I said a true thing) omboo hutam hutam ogoo libigonn nom (olsem na wanwan long yupela i kam) hobol hooyom om migimo ogoo (this is talk for hearing) nom hobol egemee mogog elagas noongonn ig oo? (you're outside chewing buai - chatting away?) om megite mee nemb? (What are you eating?) hogot higeb hobol [angama] ig? (you're making a noise like cutting a pig) usomb ebeb (take it carefully) mesisoo yogumo pi pigeb i oboob oolooguwo sindee yab om famili (undum teme nog) ab ogoo yab usomb salub (salub = brukim) ebee (yu kisim to give to family) oolooguwo yogoonoong egee yis omboo usomb hala lumas yam yog hala lumas endet endet yogoonoong egee yis heb usomb hala lumas [yam] singu om ilib lotu hutam heb ogootooloob yab i (yu kam lukum lotu na lusim) singu mu igitas (no ken stap nating – don't just come and see) yab i stadi (hobol hooyom) egee hoogoond om (the contents) piguwas (you should put this study in your homes) baibel stadi (nim sog hobol) ogoo amasi (stadi bai tok) migingima nom usomb amb migemb undum migiminn inda ina oboob i egendee usomb migoomb (migemb) om oboob ilib wog hot henee ogoo ilug ilisu wog oolooguwo yo oboob oo sindee yom egee yis hobol hooyom angoom oo migingima ig oo? singelinn hogot luloonn heleb (long time we're like pigs and muruk) mandoong yam (we go around) hoomee lotu egee igisinn (Christmas day – not general future) hutam hutam hetee halasi (come back) hoomee lotu egee igisinn noogul hum egee yogoonoong angoom (mi tok strait) yog hooloogat heleb (you're wild) yug eb nagama oo? (you want to be wild?) ootoog holug (be tame) teenn om libasi (yu all come again) esee musom soogul pigoong (inap work of marita) ennel nomboo yagam oomoo na (I was also doing that) yog yongoo egee angoom (I tell you again) ennel yasi (i go do down) egee yagama (you go down) oomoo ennel libigoom (I come up) yog teenn om libas (you come up) om enn hobol hooyom tandeng endeteeng yogoonoong aminim hoogoom om egee yogoonoong angoom

Christmas message (respoken)
last edited Nov. 6, 2023, 9:15 a.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

enn hobol om hobol om mee mee sooguwa wig hobol om singilinn agamoot (the talk was long ago) hootugunee (skai) mu agamoot yombonn mu agamoot mee mee teenn musom ogoo hoong om mu agamoot god onnol agamoot god onnol igita hobol onnol god honn nomboo agamoot agamb hobol om onnol ama (the word spoke) yombonn salibigot nomol hebigeb yat hootugunee ilat (skai go antap) iluwa mee mee teenn nom hobol om onnol agamb hat oo (look) mee mee teenn nala bili ab utut (givim ples - no recipient. marked as an error, they like osoot) ab uta ab wog (all thing) osoot (givim ples long olgeta samting) wog asa (givim) ab ebemind (everything got it's place) oboob ogootooloob hobol egee amoot om (em i tok olsem) hobol om amoot oolooguwo et (bihain) mee mee teenn usomb (stretim) ogootooloob sinnol mena ab hootugunee nim mee mee mee teenn mee igom (samting i gat laip) ab yombonn ogoo iguwot (laip long graun) teenn wi tugub ogootooloob nom mohis usomoot (made man, stretim man) mohis usomb ogootooloob teme ombul wog usomb hutee moogut meginee piguwa agamemind agamemind oomoo (tasol) wog hobol wombagabigemind hobol wombagab ooguwasi ogootooloob hobol mondu wog osoob (givim hap tok) amoot yog (2-pela) hobol wombagabigima omi et (olsem na, omi might be restricted to talking) moogut meginee omboo mu igitas et yog egemee yooguwas et egemee yab i et yogol (yupela yet) mohis om agabi tugulas et mohis ab om loogooneeng (totally full) tugulasi (be fruitful) et oolooguwo et mohis undum hutee nomboo onn et (one will come) yog undum yogumo nomboo teb i (among your children) et om egee ebinn (em bai kisim bek) et om oboob sindee omboo egee lebinn (he'll come back to the garden) et endet amoot omboo hobol egee amoot his nom (talk that has kaikai) mohis undum nom eeg (long time pinis) looboot ab yombonn ogoo loob (leb) hegee oo (lukim, saviour seeing the ground) ig ilool om onn oboob ogootooloob i onn hes hoobulugee (kapsait blut) hoobulub ogootooloob ig noonoonn om higitunn om onn agalam umb (makim mipela, agalam angoom, the purpose of the dying) ogootooloot tumunn ogoo yaga yab ogootooloob om salib salib i egee (i egee is a mistake) hootugunee ogoo iligee honn see egee ab yombonn ogoo hes sonn holoot (talking about Jesus' birth) nom mut peg (light in general) om oboob hes sonn holoot omboo (he was born) ig higitunn om heb i (look at candle) ongoo hooyom holug eb (tingim em) endet amb i higitunn ogoo ilib hoong higitunn om endet heb amb i oo onn endet igu endet yogoonoong igita (kandel lait, tingtin stap wantaim yumi) su om his yogoonoong iguwot (lait stap wantaim yupela) omboo monduguwa genee genee (longwe longwe) nom teenn om osigim lub menn oo heb misee misee ogoo iloong endet hooyom igitug endet amb i higitunn ogoo ilib hoong ogoo hoong om endeteeng tugub onn endeteeng mu onn heleb (em i no kam daun olsem) mu hes sonn hoolo mohis heleb (em i no kamap man) mu umut haga (em i no dai) onn endeteeng (if he did that) mu egee igung (mipela no inap stap) haga onn heleb (em kam) mohis heleb i (em i kamap man) hat oo (he saw the ground) onn umb i hat onn tumunn ogoo salib hootugunee ogoo ilib hooyom pendeb (save, lait, good thinking salim kam daun) yab egemee looboogot (us outside the garden) omboo heleb mohis loogooneeng yot tuguguwot omboo (em inapim mipela) su om ig mohis ab yombonn ogoo monduguwa teenn hogu noonoonn wes wes nom teenn osigim lumung osigim lub musu hutam heleb misee misee ilib see ogoo igung omboo su om ig sindee ilib mut peg om ogoo hoong hoong oo hum endet heeyo wig (no lukim nating) heb i abagam sigig hooyom woloob noogul endet amb i hobol noogul om igel oboob hutam hutam oboob mesisoo ogoo pigoob (putim long bel) musu ogoo pigoob (putim long tingting) igel noog igel famili ab ogoo hutam hutam yab noog inemb (keep this thinking when rising, sleeping) noog salib aleg mandeb mena nog nemb nomol nemb misee misee nog ilib endet igitug heb endet igisis heb endet amb i noonoonn om ogoo yosila pigoot (show mak, standard, to mipela) su om ilib ogoo hoong enn musu aminim hoogoom nom tandeng hum egee angoom