Ebesil hunting trip

last edited June 27, 2023, 2:54 p.m. by Steve

1-9 Hunting & Fishing steve-DA


Stories describing the hunting trip Steve and Philip took to Ebesil in 2020


Samuel - Ebesil hunting trip
last edited June 27, 2023, 2:54 p.m. by Steve

Joel - Ebesil hunting trip
last edited June 27, 2023, 2:54 p.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

higitunn ogoo hoong hobol om egee aminim ig om agamb ogootooloob ebesil wog amemind oo teb monduguwa om wogoonoong ilug eb amemind amasi ogootooloob monduguwa ombul om wog ilug eb nalasi Samuel oog salib ilamung ilamung yab ab ogoo sandil ab ogoo ilib sandil ab ogoo ilib hamung oo minda pigoob ogootooloob hem hem hutee Steve utumind hem hutee Philip utumind utub yeem ogoo wog asasi oboob i enn salep hutam ooboogooloom ooboogooloob ilamung ilamung heem heem nom hosulumoomung (planti sanap lain) nom sinnol hutee wondug ig eb lain (menene bile) hosulumusu (sanap plural) umul yooguwasi hamung oo wig hum hosulub heb ogootooloob nom ogootooloob om ilamung om ilib umul hutee om yamind umul hutee om ogoo yamind nom endet ig Philip ogoo hoosoot (sanap) enn hoosoom (sanap) monduguwa hiyol ogoo endee omboo (daun bilo) hesemind (sanap) hasasi (sanap) agamoomung igisisu endet sinnol hutee looboot umul yooguwasi sinnol hutee laba ogootooloob Philip endet wagam heb asam heb pa et pa ooguwa ogooteleb hum pa et pa ooguwa yooguwa (the sinnol) laba ogooteleb enn salep ooboogooloob agamoom oo ombomboo (below) lumetenim ig eb nooloom oo loogooneeng wig hum nesi (work) hum a lumisi (me uppim) yooguwa ogooteleb om endeteeng heb igisisi yooguwa ogooteleb om ilamung om ilamung nom umul hum endet mandeb igisisu wi hala ogootooloob umul yooguwasi mandeb igisisu wi hala ogootooloob moo, Philip, Steve onn hat oo sinnol hutee om taba endeteeng onn hem beleleb teb wenim eb nooloot oo mohis om woloob hala heb om egee ogootooloot toob sinnol hum teb yooguwa ogooteleb om ilib endet umul nom weleb (making noise) mandisu wi hala ogooteleb hamung (ilamung) teb sinnol hutee mu wondoomung teb hum ogoo toboomung teb tol ab ogoo teb sandil ab ogoo teb hamung oo inoomung mena nalasi nomoomung nemb ogooteleb inoomung inoomung oo yab hulinam salib endet Steve om salib ennel hat oo enn hogu salagag omboo tutumul ilib nom nesi nesi heb ogootooloob hat oo onn hubi hogu egee oboot nom oboob enn etoolumut tooluma inoomung yab pet ooguwa ogootooloob monduguwa monduguwa Ebesil wog hamind endet ig sinnol hutee mu oboomung heb ogootooloob pet ooguwa salib asamog wog hulil noog omboo boo helemind boo halasi ab ogoo wog susomb agamoomung susomb agamb igisisu yab i wog mandemind yab i sinnol hutee oboob moogooyee (wrong animal, that's hot place, it's a funny mistake hesegenee) teb oboob i tebemind soli hesegenee hutee teb oboob tebemind hesegenee teb oboob tabasi nom oboob tabasi ig moo ombul wogoonoong ilamung nom egee hamind heeyasi higemind mut etemind mut atasi ooguwa nonol hanatoob (sigarapim black) ogootooloob bili tugub wi tugub ogooteleb noowut pigoot noowut pigeb noowut pigeb wi tugub ogootooloob mesisoo paliboot mesisoo palib wi tugub hot hingama lumut (katim lek) hot hiyol hiyol hi pagab tooloot teleb wi tugub ogooteleb salumut salub huwam ogoo pigoot huwam ogoo omboot huwam ogoo omba mena omboot sinnol pigoot holoomot pigoot piguwa liba ogootooloob ata et mut ata et ooguwa mesisoo nom hat o umi ogoo holoomot ooboogooloob umi ogoo moogot wog ata ooguwa ig monduguwa ombul wogoonoong ilamung egee agamoomung igisisu nom sinnol nom ooguwa nalasi palib pigee yimb yog asasi nemb ogootooloob mena nom pigeb tabil ogoo pigeb yog asasi nemb ogootooloob toboomung ig egee mandoomung nom stoli(hobol) nom egee angoom