Orthographic text
1: 0:00:00
(he gives the same order)
2: 0:00:16
(hwaninn, honn, hoomee honn. Doesn't seem to give a solid answer)
3: 0:01:08
(Sandee hutam, sandee ombul or obugum heem, obugum yagam )
4: 0:02:49
(peg and ulinam, the time between a peg and ulinam is 1 month)
5: 0:04:17
(the hemond leaves come, new year comes afterwards. This happens in dry season - Aug and Sept. The old leaves dry out and the new ones come)
6: 0:07:03
(it's a light)
7: 0:07:21
(it's darkness)
8: 0:07:36
(sun, moon and stars)
9: 0:08:15
10: 0:08:40
(he doesn't seem to know what I'm asking, talks about clouds)