Fishing interview

last edited Jan. 20, 2023, 2:07 p.m. by Gerdine

1-9 Hunting & Fishing


  1. megite mehamonn naga yam? (what's he doing (photo of Spear fishing))
  2. megite me obogolob igu? (what's he holding?)
  3. megite me musom pigeb igu? (what's he put on his eyes?)
  4. megite tugub yobog obobambolta wondob iguguma ig? (how do you do Spear fishing?)
  5. nonn oyom yogob obob nomol yogoomoo yab ambolta wondob igwonn ig? (do you know how to spear fish)
  6. megite nomol ambolta igu? (which rivers have fish?)
  7. huk (pugum) obob ambolta obob igwonn ig o wig? (do you fish with a hook?)
  8. umben obob ambolta obob igwonn ig o wig? (do you fish with a net?)
  9. simonn wondob ambolta obob igwonn ig? (do you fish with poison rope?)


Interview - Sibongi, fishing
last edited Jan. 20, 2023, 2:07 p.m. by Gerdine

Orthographic text

1: 0:00:00 onn nomol isob pis waga wolob obob libigee 2: 0:00:06 pis obogolob igu, wia 3: 0:00:14 musom hogu 4: 0:00:19 ambolta wondug eb yab igung yab nomol ogoo yab musom hogu obob musom ogoo pugob wia obob igung obob, yogob obob igung yogob obob obob nomol isob igung nom isob yogoomoo mandonn nomol yogoomoo ab igung o mandoo ambolta utee eb wolob obob om ilib igung ambolta hwaninn ogoo wondob igwonn ig o ulinam wondob igwonn ig? megite honn ogoo wondob? pegenn yab nomol isom nom pegenn wolob igung om ulinam om nomol isug nom yab ulinam isob ulinam ambolta wolob igung wolob obob tongunee ilib otosu mohis lolom obob ilib ogwa lolom ligee ebis obob ilwasi ig mohis nomol isob nomol yogoomoo mohis osob ilib ogoo tolot endet nom his tongunee obob ilib endet abi ilug ab ig ilib tutumul ilib tutumul ilib otusu mohis utee om om onn nomol om ambolta wonlob endet ala ig ilib mut ototoo mut agamb igitug ambi pombonn eb om his endet endet neleb mandosu pet tebinn pet ogwa ambolta nom obob sebe nolob igung sebe noloo nomboo elinee tugub igung ennel tugoosu elinne ala obob eb pigob obob wees wees obob tol ab ogoo ilib mena ombob nom ombob otob nemb igung 5: 0:01:56 enn oyom pegenn yogob obob nomol ogoo yab igung yab ambolta eb wondob igugum ulinam nomol isob eb onn wolob igugum ulinam nom holot peg obob yab igung yab nomol yogoomoo yab nomol isob ulinam nomol isob eb pigob eb wolob igung 6: 0:02:29 yagib ambolta igu taino ambolta igu nomol ig igung eb hyol egee nomol egee higot taino onn unim angom 7: 0:02:43 huk obob yab huk obob ambolta ubugee yab salab wondob igung salab wondob obob yab huk eb om stlinn nim hot ototoo nom simonn pagab ilib obob igung higob obob yab nomboo ogoo humee lub igung otootoo humee lub nesonn ndugub ogoo tolob humee lub nesonn ndugub ogoo tolob yab salab hogu palib igung palib ogoo tolob salab atob igung omboo ab ogoo yasu pyag ala ogoo nomol ogoo tolug nomol otosu ambolta egee tebis ambolta tabasi huk ogoo tolug otoosu ambolta otoo salab egee ni salab nyasi eb ogoo tolob huk om motolob igung motolob obogolob igisisu salab hyol ogoo nombo seleb nomboo mandis mandob igitoo huk em tolug huk onom nom salab eteb nya metelumesu abagagang abagaga nom obob tongulee tolob wolob igung 8 : 0:03:49 umben ig ab ogoo wig omboo mu obob eb igung 9: 0:04:00 simonn wondob ambolta umbub igung simonn nom yab simonn tolob yab hipundugung simonn ambolta umi sesigob wog simonn silab igu simonn nom eb igung eb mandong isila wi tugub ogoo tolob onn pigob igung onn pigob ogoo tolob amb nomboo eb igung ig simonn nomol ogoo wondug eb igung ogoo tolob eb igung oo onn nombo yab onn nomboo simonn hipundug eb tolob onn nomboo mohis was sibol hipundub mut ogoo otob nom obob tolob ilis yab simonn henee omboo mu atasi ogwa simonn hipundis simonn hipundub hipundas silbab hutam hutam ata wi tugub ogoo tolob mut ogoo etis mut teb tolob egee nim hot ogoo wendis wondasi hogu alagub ab hogu wees egee pigis hot nom ogoo telis hogu nom obob esigim lub pigob ogoo tolob obob tagul ogoo pigob sigum agab hangib obob obob egee lebis silib pigob ogoo tolob onn gamis omboo onn gamis nomboo om obob obob nomol ogoo egee yis nomol ogoo yab obob nomol ogoo yab ongoo nomol ogoo yab obob nomol ogoo yab agamom ulinam ogoo wi ala heem wondob igung pusilim utee obob pusilim utee obob simonn pusilim utee omboo endet pigob enet ungutub igung wansu wansu om anagul eleb san om eleb nomol ogoo yab igu nomol ogoo yogwa yab eb ambolta wog musom omboo waligob pi isom wolob igita egee umis hum pagab ogoo yab yogwasi wondob igung yab peg teb wi aga ala endet yab igung yab wog eb igung hum pigeb utasi wog obob igung simonn onn unim amee ombol simonn

Interview - Yagil, fishing
last edited Jan. 20, 2023, 2:07 p.m. by Gerdine

Orthographic text

1: 0:00:00 (he's in the water shooting fish) 2: 0:00:12 (fish, spear (yogob)) 3: 0:00:24 (musom glass) 4: 0:00:33 (hit the fish on a rock to kill them, go in the water, put goggles, shoot fish, hit it on a rock and tie it up with rope. what time do you do it? night) 5: 0:01:41 (I don't go in, I stay on the shore and whack fish on a rock and tie them up. The kids go in the water, I think it's cold) 6: 0:02:25 (yagib, nomond togoomee, miminn, womunee) 7: 0:02:43 (yes, we say pugum. we bait it with salab, when the fish bites we get it and whack it on a rock and rebait the hook) 8: 0:03:33 (no, we don't use nets, nambis does that) 9: 0:03:48 (yes, we hit the rope at night and come look in the morning, the fish get tired and we grab them and cut them. Lots of them are easy to catch. We follow the river picking up fish and throwing them to the shore. First people go down and get the fish, killing them and later we collect them. The rope is ombol simonn)

Interview - Mulil, Fishing
last edited Jan. 20, 2023, 2:07 p.m. by Gerdine

Orthographic text

1: 0:00:00 (he's getting fish) 2: 0:00:07 (yagob) 3: 0:00:18 (glas musom pigeb igu [hwaninn musom]) 4: 0:00:26 (go in the water, shoot, get. come up. Find in the water, shoot, come up. when? Early morning or at night) 5: 0:01:13 (yes, go shot and get, get in the water with a spear, scare the fish, throw the spear, gut, dry and eat) 6: 0:02:01 (big rivers, yagib, senend) 7: 0:02:16 (yes, use a grasshopper as bait, get the fish when it bites. )e use salab for bait too) 8: 0:02:40 (we don't do it) 9: 0:02:53 (yes we do it. We throw it in the river, it kills the fish. We cook them and dry them. Called ombol simonn)