Making mamuni

last edited Dec. 8, 2022, 11:31 a.m. by Steve

1-7 Food & Drink


Date Team participants National participants
May 26, 2020 Philip, Steve, Natalie, Gerdine Agondi, Uwasi, Samuel


Angondi had gotten a couple of bamboo's for us so we could make mamuni with kongkong. This kind of mamuni is more common in Torokum and Evesil. They make tapiok mamuni here. We used small and big, white and red kongkongs. First we peeled them, and then grated them with a kanda. Some kids were summoned to get certain leaves to wrap the mamuni in. The top of the leaf was cut off. Then some big aibika leaves put on and the grated kongkong and then more kumu (crushed tulip and kru sako). The leaf was rolled up and folded together and put in the bamboo. When we ran out of bamboo Samuel went to get more. A fire was made and the mamuni was cooked on it. When it was time to eat, more people had showed up to eat with us.


Photobook - Samuel, Mamuni
last edited Dec. 8, 2022, 11:31 a.m. by Steve


Question Asked by Answer Answered by
It is so much more work to grate the roots, why is it not always cooked on the fire or in a pot? Gerdine May 27, 2020, 2:37 p.m.
Who in the family decides what is cooked and when? Gerdine May 27, 2020, 2:37 p.m.