Orthographic text
1: 0:00:00
(we make a blind by a puddle of water, sleep. In the morning we go into the blind and wait for birds to come then we shoot them with a spear and go home and eat them. Sometimes there are only small birds)
2: 0:00:47
(Memetonn, the bush there close to the river)
3: 0:01:01
nambonn mooseginann
4: 0:01:11
(dry season)
5: 0:01:19
(yes we shoot birds with catapults. If I hike around at dawn in Memetonn I'll find and shoot some)
6: 0:01:51
(yes, I caught one one time by grabbing on to it.)
7: 0:03:01
(yes if it's sat on it's eggs we can shoot it)