Bird hunting interviews

last edited Jan. 31, 2023, 3:04 p.m. by Steve

1-9 Hunting & Fishing


  1. megite tugub sisug neleb igwonn ig? (how do you make a bird blind?)
  2. megite ab ogoo sisug neleb igwonn ig? (where do you make a bird blind?)
  3. megite nobug sisug agamb wondob igwonn ig? (what birds do you catch using a blind?)
  4. nim honom obob nobug wondob igwonn ig? (do you use a catapult to shoot birds?)
  5. tunnee wondob nemb igwonn ig o wig? (do you eat the bird of prey?)
  6. nobug tol ab moongolob nobug oob igwonn ig? (do you take birds from their nests?)
  7. megite honn ogoo nobug obob igwonn ig? (when do you hunt birds?)


Interview - Sandu, bird hunting
last edited Jan. 31, 2023, 3:04 p.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

1 : 0:00:00 ig nobug sisug yootob igung mamagum sisug yootob igung nim munum asam ilib sisug yootob igung endet nolob igung nolob mamagum ogoo wolob igung nim munum ogoo asam ilib pet ogwa ogoo yab asam ilib pet ebi ala nobug labasi wolob igung nobug sisug hum yab yootob aga abagala musu liba wolob igung wolob tol ab ogoo tob tob nemb igung 2: 0:00:31 otoloo yab mamagum sisug nolob igung mamagum sisug yootob igung 3: 0:00:41 wayap hot tataga hot woogum mesegee wayap peleg tataga peleg belengi nobug nom woog mamagum ogoo labasi onn wolob igung nambonn amand labasi wolob ilib tol ab ogoo ilib endet duandum wogonong otob nemb igung 4: 0:01:11 hem hem yogob ubiyab mamagum sisug sindee agamb holoomot mendee omboo tolob tolomb igisisu nobug liba wolob igung nonn aleg mandeb igwonn nobug heb nim honom oboob wondob igwonn ig oo wig? was sul laba yab oboogolob onn ligilog igita homongot umee et omboo honom yogoomoo su humb igu gumi oboob mandob nim honom ogoo noloo umee lub igung ogoo mandoo nobug heb endet embeb wosu laba yab oboob ilib otob nemb igung nom hum mandob wolob igung hem oboob yab sisug oboob yab wolob igung mamagum sisug ogoo hem oboob yab pigob aga nobug laba wolob gumi nim honom mog ototob ubung omboo oboob yab wolob oboob ilib too nemb igung aleg omboo mandob hum nobug tob pugub hutam wosu laba oboob ilib otob nemb igung 5: 0:02:10 nobug enninnot hyol ogoo wondob nemb igung ig nobug otog woog abagala abagala yab wondob oboob ilib nemb igung hem ogoo wolob igung gumi ogoo wolob igung nim honom gumi nomboo 6: 0:02:26 nom oboob igung nobug otooloo yab igung tol ab omboo om noom solob egee tob igita endet yab heb wolob oboob ilib nemb igung undum nomboo igita oboob igung noom igita oboob igung utee heb ogoo tolob loobong yam nasim wolob oboob ulinam ala emboo yab wolob oboob ilib nemb igung 7: 0:02:49 mamagum ogoo nom hwaninn honn ogoo yab wolob igung nobug noom eb igung nom sib agabi nogonong yab wolob igung om egee tob igita yab wolob oboob ilib hem omboo yab wolob oboob ilib too nemb igung mamagum ogoo nom hwaninn ogoo yab igung hwaninn honn ogoo hwaninn agabi lata et ee mamagum sindee yab igisi nobug libasi onn wolob nemb igung

Interview- Aiven, Bird hunting
last edited Jan. 31, 2023, 3:04 p.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

1: 0:00:00 (we make a blind by a puddle of water, sleep. In the morning we go into the blind and wait for birds to come then we shoot them with a spear and go home and eat them. Sometimes there are only small birds) 2: 0:00:47 (Memetonn, the bush there close to the river) 3: 0:01:01 nambonn mooseginann 4: 0:01:11 (dry season) 5: 0:01:19 (yes we shoot birds with catapults. If I hike around at dawn in Memetonn I'll find and shoot some) 6: 0:01:51 (yes, I caught one one time by grabbing on to it.) 7: 0:03:01 (yes if it's sat on it's eggs we can shoot it)

Interview - Ulumo, Bird hunting
last edited Jan. 31, 2023, 3:04 p.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

1: 0:00:00 (when we want to catch a bird we get leaves and make a blind. We wait in the blind and when a bird comes we shoot it) 2: 0:00:18 (all over up there, down there. Next to a puddle of water. When we shoot a bird we an holoomot piece down strong [like a bamboo tube] and cover the end. When a bird comes we get up slowly and shoot it with a spear. We reset our blind and we stay there. At night we go home. At day break we go sit in the blind. He repeats all this again) 3: 0:01:19 enn nobug weleb igung om undum sangala tataga hot wayap hot mooseginann embelengi nann endetenn wog weleb igung soo peleg soo hot nom endetenn weleb igung (he mentions one or two more that get shot) 4: 0:02:02 (yeah if we're going nothing and see a bird we'll shoot it with a catapult. sometimes we shoot them sometimes we don't) 5: 0:02:17 (we eat tunnee - or maybe he says we eat the chicken that the tunnee attacks) 6: 0:02:31 (if we find a nest we take the eggs, some more about shooting the parents that needs checking out) 7: 0:03:00 (all the time. We don't make blinds when it's raining. We get birds at night)