Hunting interviews

last edited Jan. 31, 2023, 2:56 p.m. by Steve

1-9 Hunting & Fishing


  1. megite honn otooloo ogoo mandeb sinnol wondob igwonn ig? (when do you go hunting?)
  2. megite sinnol oboob igwonn ig? (what animals do you hunt?)
  3. teme sinnol mongolob igugund o wig? (do women hunt?)
  4. undum sinnol mongolob iguund o wig? (do children hunt?)
  5. megite me oboobi sinnol wondob igwonn ig? (what do you use for hunting?)
  6. megite tugub hubugut oboob igwonn ig? (how do you catch a ground kangaroo?)
  7. hwaninn ogoo megite ab ogoo sinnol agamb igugund? (where are animals during the day?)
  8. sinnol ubiyab igugund oo tondee igugund? (are there many animals or few?)


Interview - Sandu - hunting
last edited Jan. 31, 2023, 2:56 p.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

1: 0:00:00 ulinam pegenn pegenn honn hyol ogoo mandob igung sinnol nim ndondongol omboo pugub igita igo nim pee omboo igita yab wondob oboob ilib tol ab ogoo ilib ala tugub nemb igung ulinam hem oboob ogoo yab mandob igung nim sel omboo manda tos pigob heb ogoo tolob mut peg pigob heb ogoo tolob endet holot peg pigob heb ogoo tolob endet oboob ilib wondob oboob ilib too nemb nim om ilib igung mohis utee nim yomboo ilib igu utee hyol omboo ilib igu aleg panneb aga walasi laba nim hot ogoo wondusu uma oboob ilib tol ab ogoo ilib ala tugub nemb igung 2: 0:00:40 sinnol ee molumb agann onotol ubum heem sonnoobiya nasim hool honnot nom sinnol asam sinnol onn egenn egemee sinnol helegel ootoogool humbugut hesegenee sinnasim 3: 0:00:59 teme mongolob mandob wondob igugund teme mongolob yab helegel wondob igugund sinnasim wondob igugund sinnol helegel wondob igugund asam sinnol utee omboo pugub igita heb wondob igugund wondob ilib tol ab ogoo ilib ala tugub nemb igung hem oboob wondob igugund? sibelig woog wondob igugund asam sinnol genee was om pugub igita nom amansi moloomunn hem oboob yab walasi laba oboob wondob oboob ilib igung walasi laba teme wom bagab sibelig ogoo wonda uma ogoo tolob oboob ilib igugund 4: 0:01:32 undum eeg agabi isig agamb nom sinnol om mongolob yann yab egee wendinn sinnasim egee mongolob yab egee hees sinnol eeg mu egee wendis 5: 0:01:44 sibelig oboob mandob wondob igugund moloomunn hem omboo mandob sinnol wondob igugund teme sibelig oboob sinnol wondob igugund sibelig oboob yab endet otooloo higob igugund helegel onn tol ab omboo lomotob inai enee sibelig egee igwasi higoo heb igugund his igita nom igwasi uma oboob ilib igugund wig nom hum higeb ogoo wig heb oboogolob igugund mogwoo onn ab oo nom heb ogoo tolob igugund 6: 0:02:08 humbugut umul yab wondob igugund hyol ogoo hum mandob hum ogoo mena nemb minda minda heb wolob igung pegenn asamog yab heb igung oo mena nim sog sog nemb minda minda heb wolob yobu yoboogom nim sog sasa minda minda nom heb wolob oboob ilib nemb igung ala tugub nemb igung 7: 0:02:28 hwaninn honn ogoo woog ab polonn polonn ogoo mu egee igisis yab nomol lolomb ogoo yab egee igisis igitasi was omboo mandob heb igung wig heb ogoo tolob wam egee mandob ogoo omboo igitas heb mandob mandobi utee wolob igung wolob oboob ilib endet tol ab too nemb igung 8: 0:02:48 ubiyab igugund ab om tenn ogoo ig igung otooloo ogoo omboo sinnol ogoo ilib igugund woog mongolob mandob wondob oboob ilib nemb igung ulinam mandob pegenn sinnol nom musu migemb mandob endet mongolob mandob wondob oboob ilib nemb igung honn hyol ogoo hum mandob ilib igung utee mu heb nom hum mandob ilib igung holot peg oboob ulinam mandob igung nom hum mandob ilib hum ilib igung utee heb nom wondob oboob ilib nemb igung oboob ilib tol ab ogoo ilib pigob honn pet ogwa salib umi otob higob mena nog ombasi nemb igung

Interview - Iven, Hunting
last edited Jan. 31, 2023, 2:56 p.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

1 : 0:00:00 (We go to Memetonn and go to a game trail. If we find one on the trail we shine a torch on it. The game runs to hide in some tree roots. We chase it there and hit it and bring it. If we don't find anything we go to the Yagib river, and in the morning we go to the bush on that side. We come back, prepare the meat and eat it. We hunt when it's dark) 2: 0:00:48 molumb helegel (we also at night get catapults and shoot pasil) 3: 0:01:13 (women hunt, yes. The go to the bush find helgels and bring them back and eat them) 4: 0:01:30 (children hunt rats and eat them) 5: 0:01:39 (gumi, hem, our hands. Women use hands, men use bows and catapults. Machetes too, sticks.) 6: 0:02:10 (for humbugut we shoot them with bows and eat them. We go to the bush with dogs, the dogs follow them and we hit them. For Agann sometimes we see them eating bananas and we shoot them. Sometimes they're in trees eating nuts and we shoot them, going up the tree with our bows) 7: 0:02:51 (they're up in trees We shoot them and eat them. Agann hides in holes in trees) 8: 0:03:40 (there's lots in the bush)

Interview - Ulumo, Hunting
last edited Jan. 31, 2023, 2:56 p.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

1: 0:00:00 (we go to the bush, we put a bench. When it's night we take our torches and shine them on the animals. We follow them to their holes, grab them and shoot them. We'll cut it up and make a fire. Some we catch, some get away. We shoot animals in trees and they fall and we get them) 2: 0:01:14 ee molumb agann sonnoobiya nasim endet wolob igung onootool yomboo ilib onotol wondob igugum 3: 0:01:32 (yes they get them, rats. They go to their nests and whack them. Sometimes they catch nothing sometimes they catch something. They hunt at dawn, when they want to eat meat) 4: 0:02:39 (yes, but he's talking about his grown up kids) 5: 0:03:10 (bow, arrows, wala?, wia from the nambis - ancestors used bamboo) 6: 0:04:01 (we go on it's trail and see one, then follow it to the water, we shoot a stone at it. For Agann the tree kangaroo we look for thee ungumam tree we shoot it and get it) 7: 0:04:52 (our animals are few, Kobumbua still has lots) 8: 0:05:08 (I don't know, plenty I think)