Go to town hortatory

last edited Feb. 7, 2023, 2:22 p.m. by Steve

3-9 Birth & Dying


I elicited a hortatory text from Semik where he pretends to talk to the community in general to tell them that it's best for mothers to go to town for delivery. He uses Juli and Sibongi as a -ve example, talks about the helicopter almost coming and uses that as a sort of example of what not to do.


Semik - Go to town
last edited Feb. 7, 2023, 2:22 p.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

ig inda ina nog endet ig woog egendee bili tugub ig yog hes ndugulasi woog ig yog hes ndugulasi agamb endet ig om teme wo oboob hong oo teme wo oboob aga egee undum hem hes nduguloo hes ndugub hes ndugub musu endet om undum hes nduguloo omboo undum honn hes sonn oloo honn wi ala among oo nonn hong undum om hes sonn oloo hes sonn oloo onn ogoo ab hulum womboo yu hong yab ongoo undum yoogwa ongoo teme haus sik (etelig tol ab) ogoo yoogwa undum hes sannann eb among ongoo endet nonn yogwoo ogoo endet olu ogonn olu ala endet teme undum hes sonn oloo honn nom sugabigee sugabigwa among oo pinot agabi ogoo yann heb agamoomung igisisu agamoomung igisisu musu endet undum egendee om salib ilib yaga salib yoogwa ig hamung oo nimendee (pingot) leb oboob yann hong yann egee ongoo undum om isim nomboo hes sangala among humann igisinn hong undum hes sonn oogot nom nimendee mu lebinn hong hobol endet egee undum hes sonn oloo ab omboo endet tondee egee yot tugub eeg nog haus sik (etelig tol ab) ogoo mu yann nom agamb sogu tugub om undum hes sonn oloo honn ogoo om nomboo igel hooyom eleb eeg nog haus sik (etelig tol ab) ogoo yu hong yab igita undum om egee hes sannann hong oo haus sik (etelig tol ab) ogoo om agamb sannala undum menn hoog hong ig mehamonn endet olo neleb selenn hang hong onn ogoo nog haus sik (etelig tol ab) ogoo yoogwa hong oo undum hes sonn oloo nononn ogoo hes sannala heb endet nom among nom hobol endet olo musu endet nom amug hong nom om tandeng endet nom egenn