Cutting gardens interviews

last edited Feb. 13, 2023, 8:16 a.m. by Steve

1-8 Gardening & Gathering


  1. megite honn ogoo galas mogut sogwa higeb igwonn ig? (what time do you clear a new kaukau garden?)
  2. megite ab ogoo mogut sodwa neleb igwonn ig? (where do you make a new garden?)
  3. mogom mogut sogwa higeb igugund? (who cuts a new garden?)
  4. 6 mun mena mogut sogwa egee higininn. Megite ab ogoo mena mogut sowa egee neninn? (in June you will cut a new yam garden. Where will you put it?)
  5. mogut isig ogoo tolob, hemond megitet igwig ab isig nim libinn omboo nonn mogut sogwa egee neninn ig? (when you leave an old garden fallow how many years is it before the big trees come up and you can make another garden?)
  6. ab hulum ogoo mohis ubiyab igugund, mohis agamb ab mogut sogwa hibeb tondee ala, mohis mogut hebindondo singu higond yam. ab hulum endetenn his, ab otooloo hutam, o ab ubiyab igu? (at the coast there are lots of people and gardens are small because there isn't much space. Is that the same here?)
  7. mohis ombul wog ab hutam mogut sogwa higug eb, ombul wagand yam o wig? (if 2 people want to cut a garden in the same place will they fight about it?)


Interview - Was, cutting gardens
last edited Feb. 13, 2023, 8:16 a.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

1: 0:00:00 (all the time. We cut the bush and build a fence. Kaukau gardens are big) 2: 0:00:18 (everywhere - Kos, Namasug, Kalenk, Ubinakulunk. I just cut one in Namasug. We cut it, put the fence and then plant everything. Our grandparents did it, and I do it) 3: 0:01:14 (both male and female cut gardens. My grandad cut gardens, so did my dad, me and my kids. This part I cut, this part the ladies cut) 4: 0:01:43 (we cut gardens all the time. He lists some more places he cuts gardens. I cut my garden in August. Jan - June I eat. July I cut a garden. Where will you cut your new garden? Ulul, then in August we'll burn it and plant) 5: 0:03:08 (once we get the food the garden goes old. We plant a new one and big trees come up in the old garden. Trees will come after a whole hand - 5 years and we'll cut a new garden) 6: 0:03:54 (the bush is really big, there's lots of space. We cut gardens to the size we want tasol. We cut small gardens -[compared to the size of the bush I guess?] ) 7: 0:05:26 (they will talk and split the area up and work together.)

Interview - Soso, cutting gardens
last edited Feb. 13, 2023, 8:16 a.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

1: 0:00:00 om yab yoogwa ogoo teleb utee mogas ogoo teb galas mogut sogwa higeb igung ebinnam 3-mun isim nomboo galas mogut higeb igung 2: 0:00:12 galas mogut peleg higwo nom galas mogut sogwa higeb igung 3: 0:00:20 teme moloomunn tenn om mogut higeb igung 4: 0:00:28 nom mena mogut peleg sila igu yab otoo 6-mun ogoo endet mogut peleg sila nom egee higug higeb mena egee ubug mogut peleg tolonn oo sila higeb igung nom egee higug 5: 0:00:52 nom 5-pela yal yab igu yoogwa mogut sogwa amb egee ubung 5-pela yal ogoo nim agabi eleb igu eleb yobug eleb igu momul eleb nala om mogut sogwa om higeb igung 6: 0:01:14 ab ubiyab ab agabi isig otoloo agabi woog mohis agab yolee om ab uta eleb endet mogut peleg ma ebigina om higeb igugund 7: 0:01:38 nom mogut peleg hutam endet woog ombul mogut ubugee utee higinim eb igu utee higinim eb hobol amb utee ogol ombul hobol amb bili tugub mogut higeb igugund utee higeb igugund ombul woog ogoo ombul higeb isim hebigeb hyol hyol mena ubub igugund utee higinim eb ogoo tolob eb nom utee higeb igu endet neleb igugund

Interview - Kavaluku, cutting gardens
last edited Feb. 13, 2023, 8:16 a.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

1: 0:00:00 (when we're not busy and we want to) 2: 0:00:17 (the bush at Kos, some in the cold place) 3: 0:00:34 (women, men. Women cut the bush then we cut the trees) 4: 0:01:00 (we go to the river for yam gardens. kaukau gardens are in Kos, there are pigs there. We plant yam gardens on the other side of the river because there are pigs that want to eat over here. We don't put fences over the river. When we put kaukau gardens in Kos or Namusu we need to put a fence. We plant salab, anip, kus, ilam, ilees, ma. The yam garden has no fence and the iles, salab and ma is just for me to eat, not for the pigs) 5: 0:02:17 (I cut a garden and it's 5 years before I go there again. That's when the big trees come. Before that I don't plant or the food won't grow well. The kaukau would grow well but the rest wouldn't go well. When I plant the food eats the grease in the ground. It needs to be black again before I can cut a new garden and that's about 5 years, or maybe 10. The big trees need to come when I plant then the food will be good) 6: 0:03:49 (us in the bush we just do our thing. If the ground isn't ready yet we don't plant. On the coast they have coconuts, they have little ground and lots of people, they cut small gardens. They plant kaukau, coconuts and ilees. We don't do that, we use a garden once and leave it until the trees are big. We have lots of gardens. It takes 5-10 years before we cut a garden again. We don't plant gardens where the trees are only small) 7: 0:06:13 (if the guys have the same dad they have the same ground. They'll talk and they'll work together to cut the garden and they'll split it, they'll put a divider between the parts. They'll cut the garden together. I'll plant what I want like beans or kaukau and he'll plant what he wants)