Orthographic text
1: 0:00:00
(yes they get sick, mena, ilis, galas, ilam, salab and hus can all get sick. Some get sick some don't. Do the plants die? Yes the plants die. We plant somewhere else and it's fine. If sweet potato gets sick we leave it all, if yams then we take some and plant them elsewhere. We take bananas and replant them and sometimes they do well. That's what we do if it's a new garden, old gardens we take the seeds and plant them in a new garden)
2: 0:01:56
(Some I cut on my own, some gardens are big and we do them together, I'll do gardens together with Nambi. When we do a garden together we plant it together)
3: 0:02:24
(sometimes we work nothing. If we do it in a big group we can put a little money. We bung and put a fence, or cut trees or harvest. If it's small work I do it myself and don't put money)
4: 0:02:51
(if it's a small garden they do it themselves, big ones we gather for. Me and my kids we plant it ourselves. If it's big we get Mulil, Olunann, their dads and Nambi. We gathered together to do the bean garden. Small gardens we do alone)
5: 0:03:27
(If the grass gets big and chokes the food we weed it and throw it, then the food is place clear and we eat it. We either use a machete or our hands for weeding)
6: 0:04:15
(Some weeds have thorns and if they do we cut them with a stick and machete. No thorns we just remove them)
7: 0:04:41
(we plant ilam. We plant lots of other food too. He talks about beans)
8: 0:05:15
(all over, up there, down there. They grow on logs - tugalis mendee, yelinom ended, eliligat, ebebelim, mana munee, semi. Do you eat all mushrooms? Some are good, some are bad to eat. Good ones are pulim, hot ibigut, semi mutol, onot, inengito mutol)
9: 0:06:06
(no, we don't plant them)
10: 0:06:17
(sometimes food grows big, sometimes it grows small)
11: 0:06:33
(we don't know, we just plant the food. If we plant it well the food will grow big, if we plant in a bad place the food will be bad. If the yam garden fails we eat sweet potato)
12: 0:07:23
(yes we're hungry during nobugut honn and we eat wild jungle food. Things like the ooloogut - wild taro, mobogotom)