Burning clippings interviews

last edited Feb. 16, 2023, 2:55 p.m. by Steve

1-8 Gardening & Gathering


  1. mogom undonn eteb igugund? (who burns garden clippings?)
  2. megite tugub undonn eteb igugund? (how do they burn clippings?)
  3. mogut tenn undonn eteb igugund o mogut hyol ogoo undonn mu eteb igugund? (do all gardens have their clippings burned, or just some?)
  4. undonn utasi yu yombonn ogoo lob igu, yu endet heel yombonn utub igu o om megite me? (when the ground is black does grease go into the ground?)
  5. undonn mu eteb mean egee bilii ann o mean hebigondoo ann? (if you don't burn clippings will the food not grow well?)
  6. mena mesag mogut ogoo ubub, sogu tugub undonn eteb igwonn oo mesag undonn eteb sogu tugub mena ubub igwonn ig? (do you first burn the clippings, or do you plant first?)


Interview - Mulil, burning clippings
last edited Feb. 16, 2023, 2:55 p.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

1: 0:00:00 (The women do it) 2: 0:00:10 (they gather it together and burn it) 3: 0:00:32 (we burn clippings in all gardens. We burn it and then we plant things) 4: 0:00:57 (we burn clippings and the place goes black. When it's black we get seed and plant them. When it's dry we can burn cuttings. When it's ready we harvest it and eat. We plant the open areas. If it rains the women just burn the important bits) 5: 0:01:46 (if we don't burn the clippings the food will be bad. If we burn the clippings food will be ready. If we don't get rid of all the leaves the food won't grow well, if we burn stuff and it's clear the food will grow well ) 6: 0:02:04 (We plant some and then we sleep and then we burn it then we plant the rest. What food do you plant first? sugar cane, the afterwards the rest. So you plant sugar and taro and then burn it and they're fine, but not corn? We plant corn when it's been cleared. we put ilam, tas, ilis, mean and then we burn)

Interview - Mele, burning clippings
last edited Feb. 16, 2023, 2:55 p.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

1: 0:00:00 (we cut the garden and the ladies burn the clippings. We cut the trees and build the fences. Women cut the bushes and then burn the clippings. When it's clear we get the seeds and plant. We harvest/plant corn and beans, we leave it. we weed it and the food is ready we eat. The garden goes old we leave it, and the pigs eat. We plant a new garden. He repeats) 2: 0:01:38 (we gather it in piles and we burn it) 3: 0:01:44 (we burn the clippings in all our gardens, then we get seeds and we plant) 4: 0:01:57 (we cook things and do the clippings then we plant banana and taro, after burning the ground is good and we plant) 5: 0:02:19 (if we burn clippings the food will grow well. If we don't burn clippings some food will grow well and some won't) 6: 0:02:34 (first we burn the clippings so everything is clear and then we plant)

Interview - Samuel, burning clippings
last edited Feb. 16, 2023, 2:55 p.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

1: 0:00:00 undonn ina mot eteb igugund Sintia nog i teme nog eteb igugund 2: 0:00:11 undonn endet yab logo teb igugund undonn logo teb yamind i wi tugub mut atasi ogwa undonn undonn ebigund oo oboob etemind asi mut om elee logwa nomboo utwasi eb oo ogwa ogoo teb undonn ebigund oo sobot ama wabigeb igugund wabiwasi mut eb igung bilak ogoo teb 3: 0:00:37 mogut hyol ogoo nom em endet undonn mogut om nog eteb mena ubub iti om mogut hyol ogoo endetenn his undonn tenn eteb igugund peg ala mena ubub igugund 4: 0:00:52 heel yombonn heel nom yombonn utub igu 5: 0:01:05 undonn mu otug mena egee yot ann omboo undonn eteb igugund 6: 0:01:15 mena endet undonn yogumoo oboob nom ubub igugum ubub ogoo teb sogu tugub undonn utasi ogwa peg tugugund peg tugawasi mena agabi eleb igu megite me mena ubub igwonn? om ilis ubub igugum hyogom hot hyam umog hus umog endet ubub sogu tugub undonn peg tugulasi bili ann