Vanilla gardens interview

last edited March 15, 2023, 11:17 a.m. by Steve

1-8 Gardening & Gathering


  1. megite honn ogoo simonn mogut ubub igwonn ig? (when do you plant vanilla?)
  2. simonn ogut megitet igwig? (how many vanilla gardens do you have?)
  3. megite me simonn mogut yogumoo ubub igwinn ig? (what do you plant in a vanilla garden?)
  4. megite honn ogoo simonn isu igita simonn utub igwonn ig? (when do vanilla put flowers?)
  5. megite honn ogoo simonn his oboob igwonn ig? (when do you get the beans?)
  6. simonn hutam his pigeb igu o simonn ubiyab his pigeb igu? (does a vanilla carry once or lots of times?)
  7. simonn mogut isig egee ann o wig? (do vanilla gardens get old?)
  8. megite tugub simonn utub igwonn ig? (how do you pollinate vanilla?)


Interview - Ulumo, vanilla gardens
last edited March 15, 2023, 11:17 a.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

1: 0:00:00 ig simonn mogut honn ogoo utee sila wig onnol singu hum singu hum ibab igung mena mogut higong yam simonn mogut higong yam ibeb mehamonn hum singu endeteng nang simonn oboob sila ogoo hum ubung yam. obowo emin endeteng mena mogut higeb igung inemb igung ogoo pet ogwa yab simonn mogut higeb igu igel mena nog i simonn ongo ombul hogu ig mehamonn ombul abagang (there isn't a time for vanilla gardens - we do it when we're not busy. We cut yam gardens and we cut vanilla gardens - that's what we do. We plant vanilla gardens after our yam gardens are done.) 2: 0:00:27 enn simonn mogut higot uma simonn mogut mu bili tugang nim hot omboo igugund. mohis simonn mogut megite et igwig? enn simonn mogut niningat see om nononn utee enn hoyom wig om mu egee nononn aminim senn simonn mogut singu hum ubugum yam omboo nononn tenn hoyom mu agang om mu egee nononn aminim. ennel om utee ogoo simonn mogut nononn abagam oo mee simonn mogut endeteng esi hoyom eleb isom enn hoyom singu ubugum yam omboo enn inonn utee mu pige igugum (my vanilla garden went bad. How many vanilla gardens do people have? I don't know how many people have, I just had 1 I don't know about others) 3: 0:00:57 omu ubugum yam nim setli ubub igugum ongumee oboob yab lugum elagas winim em umbal umbal ubugum yam elagas meginee endet ubugum yam enn simonn mogut endeteng igu (omu, the seteli tree, elagas) 4: 0:01:13 honn tenn om onnol simonn usul om honn omboo tenn omo luma om honn hum utugund yam om honn nom tenn utugum om lagonn oboob September October November ogoo lagom enim (all the time. Sept-Nov the most common?) 5: 0:01:31 August ogoo obong yam egee nyo ogoo libot nom August obong nyo ala oboob igung August om yat i September ogoo teb wi aga yam 6: 0:01:43 ubiyab ibigut hutam ogoo nom ubi egee ploa egee pinn yab i wom omboo laba nom utub egee libis ab womboo ogoo libinn utee nom endet lo his tenn agabi isig mehamonn seleng agabi eeg nagand ubiyab om tenn. enn mogut ombul hutam nom su hwaninn om simonn mogut ogoo hwaninn oo asamog mogut teb wi anim hwaninn ogoo peg ogoo yanim iningom lama ogoo utee ogoo egee yanim hwaninn igwa laba utee ogoo yanim simonn hemond hutam his pigee. simonn hemond ombul egee piginn o wig? hemond ombul endet hemond hutam su om ungee hemond om egee oog egee utung hemond i nomboo egee tumung om see om egee hamung August ogoo egee obug lagom egee obug oboob teb om egee otug nom hemond pugum inomboo egee oboob teb pugum nomboo egee otug nomboo pugum inomboo egee obug endetng oboob egee yann ombul hutam hemond? ombul hutam hemond endteng obong. hemond omboo his lagom ila mu egee obug inomboo lagom ila egee obug 7: 0:02:41 isg egee yot ala om sogwa om egee ubung. om yot ala ogoo teleb sogwa om ubung yam ubung yam nom ilib endet yot ala nom om pugum om ubung yam. simbelee simbelee ubung yam yot ala endeteng ombul ombul hemond endeteng his o? yot olot om hemond om hemond ombul ombul, hemond nomboo. ombul hutam hemond omboo om egee yot ann yot ala om hamung. 5-pela yal. enn ombul hutam honn omboo yot olot yot ala om see ubugum 8: 0:03:11 simonn egee utub igung om utub igung endet hisu tala ongo ogoo yab eb agang omoo onn ee metol lumoo igu tugwol hyol onn hisu nom pu onnot nom endeteng mannab utub libigee yam liba hot ogoo igwot ogoo endet onn toolumo metem omboo igu nom endeteng mannab igu tu liba mee ogoo asam omboo om yogumoo omboo laba ongoo endeteng ogoo utbu yab ennegee ennogwa pee omboo yaga yam pee omboo yoogwa nim hot modu endeteng lagul tagul ogoo tang yam otoo utub eteb hoomee nisil ala ilib angom his egee yann

Interview - Yagil, vanilla gardens
last edited March 15, 2023, 11:17 a.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

1: 0:00:00 (any time, there isn't a set time. We do it when we're not too busy) 2: 0:00:26 (I have 2 in Aboloomam) 3: 0:00:39 (I plant buai, tulip, marita, daka, setli. We don't plant trees because they would shade the vanilla) 4: 0:01:16 (May, June, July) 5: 0:01:39 (June, July, August) 6: 0:01:49 (1 will put lots of beans. 2 years after planting we'll see a few beans and after 4 years it'll stop producing) 7: 0:02:45 (yes they get old and we replant) 8: 0:02:52 (the flower opens, we get a stick we put pollen in the hole then it gets tight and fruit comes)

Interview - Boholo, vanilla gardens
last edited March 15, 2023, 11:17 a.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

1: 0:00:00 (I plant vanilla after cutting a vanilla garden) 2: 0:00:11 (I have 4 vanilla gardens) 3: 0:00:23 (I plant hus, ilam, mgog, everything. I plant setli for the vanilla to climb up) 4: 0:01:10 (I pollinate in dry season) 5: 0:01:25 (I get the beans the same time as I pollinate) 6: 0:01:42 (1 vanilla produces lots of beans. After planting they produce for 3-4 years) 7: 0:02:23 (yes vanilla gardens get old) 8: 0:02:38 (the flower opens and I put the pollen and it grows beans)