Garden types interview

last edited March 15, 2023, 8:43 a.m. by Steve

1-8 Gardening & Gathering


Questions to try and see if there are different 'types' of gardens.

  1. megite mogut ubub igwonn ig? endetenn galas mogut, mena mogut, magog mogut. tenn wog amee (call the different kids of gardens you plant)
  2. megite me mena mogut yogumoo ubu iwgonn ig? (what do you plant inside yam gardens?)
  3. megite me galas mogut yogumoo ubu iwgonn ig? (what do you plant inside kaukau gardens?)
  4. megite me see mogut yogumoo ubub igwonn ig?
  5. megite honn ogoo toloogot pululub hogot meginee ogoo tolob igwonn ig? (when do you break a garden fence and let a pig in?)
  6. hogot mena mogut isig ogoo pigeb igwonn ig? (do you put pigs in old yam gardens?)
  7. hogot galas mogut isig ogoo pigeb igwonn ig? (do you put pigs in old kaukau gardens?)
  8. mena mogut ubub, mean wondob wi tugub, mean sogwa ubub igwonn ig? (after harvesting a yam garden do you replant it?)
  9. mean mogut isig galas o pabasil henee ubub igwonn ig? (do you plant peanuts or kaukau in the old yam garden?)
  10. galas mogut ubub, galas wondob wi tugub, sogwa ubub igwonn ig? (do you replant in an old kaukau garden?)


Interview - Ulumo, garden types
last edited March 15, 2023, 8:43 a.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

1: 0:00:00 (we plant galas, mena and ilam hot gardens - we plant all the gardens. In galas gardes we plant hyam, ilam, hus, yogob. We plant in different places, the food gets big and we eat it. Sometimes it grows well, sometimes it grows badly. If we plant well there's food if we plant badly there isn't, it's the same for both galas and mena gardens. If there's a landslide our galas gardens don't come up. Stones come and wreck it. In other places the ground is fine and the food comes up. There are galas, mena, simonn, yogom, pinat, magog, hus, habu, ilis, ilam hot. ogwag hot and esee. We stand up bamboo. We have loads of gardens. We do loads of work we get omu, umi, we plant elagas) 2: 0:01:41 (yogom, hus, ilam, ilis, sangom, tas, pabasil. It's the same in galas gardens, the same in all gardens) 3: 0:01:59 (umi. esee and umi, elagas) 5: 0:02:20 (when a garden gets old we leave the food, we break the fence and let the pig in to eat the salab. We don't plant there anymore, it's a bad place. We take the seeds from the old garden to the new and leave pigs in the old) 6: 0:02:50 (it's the same for mena and galas gardens. We harvest food and then we let pigs at the salab, if there are banana seeds we'll plant those) 8: 0:03:23 (we plant food once, harvest and leave the garden the new garden is in another place) 9: 0:03:44 (we don't plant those, we plant in a new garden) 10: 0:03:52 (no we take the seeds to the new garden and let pigs in the old. Pigs wreck the old garden)

Interview - Boholoo, types of gardens
last edited March 15, 2023, 8:43 a.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

1: 0:00:00 enn mena mogut higob igugum ilis mogut higob igugum galas mogut higob igugum esee mogut higob igugum mogog mogut higob igugum hyagom mogut higob igugum hyam mogut higob igugum endet enn mogut endet higob meme ubub igugum 2: 0:00:31 enn mena mogut ogoo mena ubub ilis ubub igugum tas ubub igugum hyagom ubub igugum hyam ubub igugum hus ubub igugum esibag ubub igugum ilam ubub igugum salab ubub igugum ulu ubub igugum sangom wandob igugum tenn endet nom ubub igugum 3: 0:00:58 galas mogut ogoo salab ubub igugum ilam ubub igugum hus hutam hutam ubub igugum ilis hutam hutam ubub igugum tas hutam hutam nomboo ubub igugum nom endet his ubub igugum hutam ubub igwonn o wees? galas mogut hutam endet ubub igugum mena mogut galas mogut hutam mena mogut wees ubub igugum om galas wees galas mogut ogoo salab ubub igugum ilam ubub igugum hus ubub igugum. mena mogut wankain mi save planim kongkong insait long yam gaden mi save planim banana tapiok aibiga kongong taro em mi save planim insait long yam gaden. long kauau gaden tu wankain mi save planim kaukau pinis tapiok aibiga olgeta stik banana wanwan mi save planim stik pitpit mi save planim i go las mi save planim korn na em pinis endetenn galas mesag ubub igwonn sogu tugub tenn tenn om mena tenn ubub igugum mena mogut ogoo endeteng his 4: 0:02:22 esee mogut ogoo ess mogut ubub igwonn nom esee his ubub igugum 5: 0:02:30 nom mena nog nemb igugum mena nog nemb salab hutam hutam mogut meginee omboo igita heb mogut isig ala pololub hogot ogoo tolob igugum 6: 0:02:47 hogot mena mogut isig ala pigob igugum 7: 0:02:56 endet pigob igugum wankain 8: 0:03:04 mena ubub igugum wondob tol ab ogoo pigob igugum elinne ilwa oboob mogut pugub om pigob nomboo om ubub igugum mena mogut isig mena ubub igwonn ig oo mogut sogwa ubub igwonn ig? om mena mogut isig ogoo wondonb pigob mogut sogwa higob igugum mogut sogwa higob nomboo ubub igugum ubisi on nyo ala wondob elinne pigob aga mogut sogwa om higob igugum endet mena mogut endeteng mena hutam his oboob igwonn sogu tugub isig ala mogut sogwa higinim eb musu nom pigot om sogwa om higob igugum 9: 0:04:04 galas mogut higob igugum isig ala hogot onn polulumisi ogoo nemb igugund nyasi galas sog hutam hutam omboo igita mogut sogwa higob yab galas mutom om pagab ogoo teleb yab mogut sogwa nombo ubub igugum mogut isig ala pabasil henee egee ubub igwonn o pabasil henee mogut sogwa higinim pabasil henee mogut sogwa wees oboob igugum

Interview - Yagil, types of gardens
last edited March 15, 2023, 8:43 a.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

1: 0:00:00 (galas, salab, ham, hyogom, mena nogul, ilis, hus. mogog mogut, esee mogut. In summary, buai, marita, kaukau and yam) 2: 0:00:46 (yams, ilis and hus) 3: 0:00:58 (galas, salab, hus, tas, ilam, pabasil, menawann, everything) 4: 0:01:16 (tulip seeds a bamboo or 2) 5: 0:01:29 (when we've eaten the food and the garden is old we break the fence and let the pigs in) 6: 0:01:51 (when we've eaten the yams and the kongkong and it's just tapiok we let the pigs into yam gardens) 7: 0:02:09 (when the kaukau is gone and we've taken the shoots we let pigs into kaukau gardens) 8: 0:02:24 (we cover the yams with grass, then get them and put them in a house and then we plant them in a new garden and the old garden wastes away. We only get one harvest from the yam garden) 9: 0:03:28 (We don't plant peanuts in an old kaukau garden. We plant in a new garden)