Staying with a town friend

last edited May 9, 2023, 8:31 a.m. by Steve

3-5 National & Global Relationships


  1. ab hulum agamb mogom tol ab hogog ininininn ig? (who's house do you stay at when you go to town?)
  2. ... yog mean neseb igu o wig? (does ... give you food?)
  3. ... pusilim munum hebigondoo utub igwonn ig? (do you give ... a little money?)
  4. ... mehamonn tata neleb igwonn ig? (do you do little jobs for ...?)
  5. mohis ubiyab ... tol ab agamb igisisu, ... mogut mehamonn neleb igwonn ig? (if lots of people are staying do you help with garden work?)
  6. mohis ubiyab ... tol ab singelinn ogoo agamb igwasi, ... abagam yot ann o wig? (if lots of people stay at ... house for a long time will they become less?)


Interview - Pusila guy, staying at a friend's hous
last edited May 9, 2023, 8:31 a.m. by Steve

    Speaker: Pusila guy

Orthographic text

1: 0:00:00 (we stay at Tamog's house) 2: 0:00:15 (yes we sleep and talk and eat there, then we leave and come back) 3: 0:00:26 (if we want to be wanbel we give some money. We sell vanilla, get money and give some. We're wanbel and then we come back.) 4: 0:00:41 (if there is work to do while we're staying we will work, things like garden work) 5: 0:00:52 (yes we'll help with garden work and then we'll come back) 6: 0:01:12 (if the host thinks he is getting bad things then he will think that, otherwise he won't)

Interview - Ulumo, being a guest
last edited May 9, 2023, 8:31 a.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

1: 0:00:00 enn ogoo yab igugum om endeteeng oo enn undum mohis mu obot omboo enn asimu hogog inom yam su om enn undum yab mohis obogot omboo yanim oo onn tol ab sindee egee ininim om tol ab sindee inisi om mohis om yam magog egee ebinn yab i maket ogoo mena egee ebinn hobol endet singu angom. meme egee ebinn oboob liba nemb egee inug oo mohis hutee wig enn enn ogombot Jon Jon onn igita onn inda Jon agabog igita wog embetemind wog embetemind omboo enn yab yab i yab ogoo ilib enn teme obom teme ebesi ogootooloob enn undum om enn ab yaga omboo yab mohis obot mohis oboob yab om tol ab nonot omboo enn nomboo iningom yab tol ab waingom oo enn gemee gemee hum mandom se om enn undum mohis obot omboo ab nosomot omboo enn sindee nom agamb yab oguwab oboob bateli oboob libigom yam nom enn musu tandeng om ama amee ogonn nom egee angom enn mandoogom yam ab em om egee angom Oya tol ab ogoo inemb igugum Oya tol ab agabisig onn lumatot enn egee ab hutee ogootoolot omboo nomboo iningom onnol mondu onn igu inda oboob endet pigob nomboo ab hiyol iningom 2: 0:01:07 enn ab hulum omboo mandinim mandinim eb hulinam egee ininim inisi Oya mena nala egee ninim ennel mena mogut igu ennel magog igu igita ennel meme ogoo inemb i igugum omboo mena mogut agabisig igu enn magog agabisig elagas onnol elagas omboo singu amb iguwonn enn elagas igu om meme tenn om igu nomol onnol nomol lama nomgom meme nom tenn igu taun Oya nom ogoo mena hebigondoo yab oboob i onn og mena egee ombug onn mena hutee aba egee omboo egee nug nom teg inug pet ooguwa nim mendee wog egee libug 3: 0:01:45 Oya om pusilim munum utub igugum onn enn eseb igu omboo Ivan Silas wog pusilim munum agabi nom Oya mee munum naga yam nomboo endet am angom 4: 0:01:56 Oya mogut ongoo higeb igugum om Oya nomol onn undub pigeb igugum Oya undum tulomb igugum Oya mut ongo ebeb igugum ebesi onn meme nala ala om nemb igugum 6: 0:02:10 Oya abagam yot egee hann onn mohis abagam yot egee hann Oya his yogonong igisinim egee nann omoo onn mohis om onn temendum nom salib musu yot eeya angot his abagam yot hann agann omoo enn ab henenee enn hebigondoo inom agabi lolomb enn ab eb igugum eb igugum omboo mu wog agamb ogooteleb igugund

Interview - Tobe, staying with a town friend
last edited May 9, 2023, 8:31 a.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

1: 0:00:00 (when I go to town I stay at Tamog's house, an uncle of mine) 2: 0:00:16 (yes he gives us food) 3: 0:00:23 (If I get the right amount of money I give some to him) 4: 0:00:31 (yes, I do garden work, I do odd jobs and help out. We plant food, we remove weeds) 5: 0:00:54 (so if people are there for a long time and Tamog gets tired we'll make it wanbel, we'll talk about that. If we don't do any work he'll get a little annoyed, but if we do work he'll be happy. What do you do to keep him happy? We do garden work, weeding and he'll be happy. When you want to go to town do you just go, or do you phone ahead? We phone ahead and when he knows we go)