Keeping your host happy

last edited May 4, 2023, 8:57 a.m. by Steve

3-5 National & Global Relationships


In Tok Pisin I described how lots of bush folks continually staying in a town house could cause the host to become annoyed. I asked how people keep the host sweet hoping to get at some responsibilities and expectations of guests.


Kavaluku - Keeping your host happy
last edited May 4, 2023, 8:57 a.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

(when we go down we stay at Migal, 4-mile, Pam and stay with them. we follow their thinking. If they tell us to work in their garden we do. If we don't work we sell vanilla or bring food, we give them a little bit of money, we talk about it. If we've not worked and our host is upset he'll talk to us and tell us what he wants to make it right. They'll tell us and we'll give. They'll say when you stayed here earlier it wasn't right, bring some food or some money. If you don't you can't sleep here, our bel is not good, you can't stay here. We think about this and so we hear their talk)

Molulu - keeping your host happy
last edited May 4, 2023, 8:57 a.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

ig yab ogoo abagam bili tugub igung nom endet ig habu wig meme utee nomboo pendeb ogwa oboob ogoo yab igung nom oboob yab pendeb pigeb wi tugub meemunum 2-kina oo 5-kina neleb etwa eseb igung hyol ogoo mena wog oboob igugund ig oboob esigim lub omboo alatugub nemb nom wog abagam bili yogonong agamb igugund ig wog abagam bili agamb endet singelinn ogoo wogonong agamb igung ig mehamonn endet mu egee neleb igung wog onn yonong olu eleb igugund yongoo olu eleb agamb igugund nalasi bonno eleb igugund ig mena eleb oboob igung nom wog ig wog abasi nom esigim lub neleb egee nemb igung nom abagam bili om agamb igung om ig hum yab inda inda mot wo tugub wambagab igung nom endeteng his nom hooyom mena oboob ig oboob wog wogonong nemb wog oboob ig yogonong egee nemb igung nom abagam bili yogonong abagam bili eleb yogonong amb igugund yab i oo ig endet nom mu atasu nom yongoo olu eleb igugund olu halasi ogoo tolob bonnoloo eleb igung wog ig mee omboo wog meme omboo mu egee igot nom meme omboo ilu eb agamb igugund nom wog musu nom logooneng tugub oboob yab wog yab osob nom ig endet abagam bili eleb yogonong agamb igugund enembee hogu ogoo oloo nobug imi ogoo oloo menawann onion henee ogoo oloo pabasil henee ogoo oloo endet loo nom wog endet womboo wig omboo ilu eb mas ig oboob yab wog osob nom wog osusu nom bili tugub yogonong amb igugund yab i wog meme musu endet pigeb amb igugund nom ig mu eleb logooneng tugub igung nom endet yom amasi bonno eleb igung omboo amasi bonno eleb igung nom musu hebigondoo endet nom aminim nom egenn

Samuel - keeping your host happy
last edited May 4, 2023, 8:57 a.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

(when we go we talk to a ples man, he'll be there, we eat with him. If we don't follow his talk we'll be sleeping in his house and he'll become upset. If he speaks and we follow and bring things and give it to them they'll be happy. If we don't come and give we'll give food. If we have this behaviour he'll like us. If we're against him and he gets upset we'll leave and scatter. Our behaviour is like that. If we don't give tok save we don't go. They give us food, they give us money. Some of us give money to straighten things and some don't, some just work. Some work, some give money. We do this and we go around, we did this before, this way I've told you about. now if there are friends we go with them Oya and Moto are there, our sister is there. We sleep there, get up and come up. If I'm going I tok save, they get stuff ready and we come, we eat there and then we come up, they meet us on the road and then we go together to their house)