Nambi earthquake story

last edited April 27, 2023, 3:03 p.m. by Steve

1-1 Geography & Weather


Making small talk about the amount of earthquakes recently and Nambi tells a story of a big one in his childhood.


Nambi, Big eathquake in my childhood
last edited April 27, 2023, 3:03 p.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

(long ago when I was little and my fathers were around. They sang out. We were there and mum wanted to take food and go and leave. She wanted us to go and sleep at Memetonn. We went there, and while there there was a big earthquake. We got some talk? We came up to our place. We stayed and for 2 weeks the earthquake shook. There was no food to eat, we didn't eat for 2 weeks, a big earthquake was going. There was no fire and no water, we were like that and then it left. Food was short, the sun was dim, that finished and we ate. It went afternoon, night and morning. We weren't doing well. Our fathers went and got limbum for the fire? They went like that. He tied a fire down low in Memetonn, we were scared and walked around. [walking by torch light?] That's the story I've told you today)