Animals cared for - Interviews

last edited April 28, 2023, 2:40 p.m. by Philip

1-10 Farming & Ranching



  1. megite sinnol yog toolomb iguguma? (What kind of animals do you care for?)
  2. megite sinnol yog tooloomoo nom bili? o megite sinnol nom bili agabisig? (What animals that you look out for are good, or very good?)


Interview - Alus, caring for animals
last edited April 28, 2023, 2:40 p.m. by Philip

    Speaker: Alus

Orthographic text

hogot tooloomb igugum. nobug tooloomb igugum. ulub tooloomb igugum. ulil tooloomb igugum. pusi tooloomb igugum. sinnol tooloo.. agann tooloomb igugum. agann undum obob toolomb igugum. hey undum obob tooloomb igugum. molumb undum obob tooloomb igugum. sinnol umbugut undum obob tooloomb igugum. nobug mendegi undum obob tooloomb igugum. sombogol undum obob tooloomb igugum. elele undum obob tooloomb igugum. eli undum obob tooloomb igugum. wegilu undum obob tooloomb igugum. hogot bili tooloomb agamb igugum, nobug bili tooloomb agamb igugum .. hogot tooloomb igugum bili. nobug tooloomb igugum bili. wog ab oogoo um woo tooloomb agamb igugum. pusi ab oogoo wo tooloomb agamb igugum.

Interview - Nambi, caring for animals
last edited April 28, 2023, 2:40 p.m. by Philip

    Speaker: Nambi

Orthographic text

(We raise pigs. There are other animals. We raise chickens. Cats, dogs, we take care of them. We don't watch out for wild animals. We take care of the baby animals we find.) (We take care of a specific birdː hey. .. Pigs are good and we raise them. Chickens are good and we raise them. Dogs catch animals that we eat so we have them.)

Interview - Samuel, caring for animals
last edited April 28, 2023, 2:40 p.m. by Philip

    Speaker: Samuel

Orthographic text

(We raise pigs. There are lots of other animals. We have pigs, chickens, dogs, cats, cassowaries. The things we look out for are like thisː cassowaries are different, pigs are different, dogs are different, cats are different, chickens are different.) (The animals that we watch out forː pigs are good. They are very good. Also, chickens are the same. We like the way chickens taste so we carefully watch out for them. Cassowaries are like.. People in the valley, down there they have cassowaries. They catch them and raise them. When they get big and aggressive they can't watch them anymore. Watching out for dogs is like thisː it goes and, elegel.. different animals, it catches them for us to eat, so they are good to look after. Cats are like this: in the night they catch and eat rats so we watch out for them. We have things in our houses and rats destroy them so we watch out for cats and our things don't get destroyed by them.)