Thoughts about domesticated animals - Interviews

last edited May 9, 2023, 5 p.m. by Philip

1-10 Farming & Ranching



  1. megite musu ooboob omboo hulil tooloomb iguguma? (What thoughts do you have as you care for your dogs?)
  2. ... noobug ... ? (chickens)
  3. ... ulub ... ? (cassowaries)
  4. ... pusi ... ? (cats)
  5. ... hogot ... ? (pigs)
  6. ... sinnol tooloo ... ? (wild animals)


Interview - Alus, Thoughts on domesticated animals
last edited May 9, 2023, 5 p.m. by Philip

    Speaker: Alus

Orthographic text

(We raise dogs so they can catch animals for me to eat. ??? not sure on second sentence) (We raise chickens for their meat when they get big) (Cassowaries are the same. We get them and raise them so we can eat the meat. Also for money.) (Rats destroy our things so we have cats.) (We raise pigs so we can kill and eat them. Also for money we raise them. Hevis - when we get sick, bring it to make the path good. That's why we raise them. Also they are given for women and for pennam. That's why we raise them.) (Watching out for babies of wild animals, we raise them so we can sell them. We take them to town and sell them.)

Interview- Nambi, Thoughts on domesticated animals
last edited May 9, 2023, 5 p.m. by Philip

    Speaker: Nambi

Orthographic text

(We watch dogs so they catch food for us to eat) (We raise chickens because we like to eat them when they get big) (Cassowaries are wild. Some people raise them. The meat tastes good.) (Taking care of cats, we cut things small, corn, we feed it what it likes to eat and take care of it.) (We raise pigs so we can eat them when they are big.)

Interview- Samuel, Thoughts on animals
last edited May 9, 2023, 5 p.m. by Philip

    Speaker: Samuel

Orthographic text

hulil egee tooloomb igung om endet, hulil tooloomb igisisu yab agabi hala. ig tooloomb noog yab igisisu sinnol, elelgel, umbugut, agann, sinnasim, meme nom wanda nyoo omboo, tooloomb agamb igung. Sinnol ogoo neleb, tooloo um omboo noog yasu; sinnol om wanda nemb igung. Omboo.. endet omboo hulil tooloomb agamb igung. Nobug (kakaruk) egee tooloomb agamb igung. Nom endet, agambi agabi hala ig endet, wondo nug eb.. sinnol ogoo neleb, wondo nug eb, endet amb tooloomb agamb igung. Ulub ende hooloo his. Nom endet tooloomb igisisu. Agabi hala woondoob egee nug. Sinnol ogoo neleb, woondoo nyoo nomboo tooloomb agamb igung. (pusi) egee tooloomb igung. Om endet, (pusi) endet, ig minda minda tol ab ogoo, om sinnasim wog ilib umbundinn oog eb. Nom tooloomb agamb igung. Mena meme ooboob lib pigisu igung, ninn oog eb. (peanut) umoog pigisu igung, ninn oog eb. Nomboo (pusi) tooloomb agamb igung. Sinnasim tol sinde yab igwot, nom (pusi) nog woondoob igu. Tooloo yab sinnasim woondoob oo taba nemb igung. Nomboo (pusi) ogoo tooloomb igung, endeteeng... Hogot endet, undum lama oobug eb. Tooloomb agamb um igisisu agabi heleb. Agabi hala woondoo nug eb i. hogot tooloomb agamb igung. Tooloomb agamb um igisisu. ig mena ubusu, hogot nyasi, seeleenn eleb igung. Seeleenn nom igisisu, honn agabi hala, sinnol hala. Om woondoob nemb igung. Nom sinnol omboo. Om.. ig yab endet omboo.. no yoogool ogoo agamb, yo hagama. Sinnol teb wo nyo, om oomoonn teb wig omboo, sinnol tooloomb.. endete nom ig.. hogot tooloomb.. hogot igel ulutusu agabi hala, wondob nemb igung.