or: Megite oomoonn ogoo.. / Megite mehamoonn ene ogoo.. hogot tooloomb iguguma ig?
hogot tooloomb egee igung. hute sinnol niyoo, nomboo tooloomb igung. oomoonn hute, teme pennam hogot woog oosoo. hute, me munum ebigoondoo .. hogot pendebigeb me munum ebigoondoo ebeb igung. hute, mohis mundu sinnol otug nemb igung. oonn yoogasa i utubung. hute, undum salib endet wog oomoom hot, sinnol wog oosoob igugund. hute pinot eb etilig agabi umb igo ende neleb, hogot oboob. ig musu pinot hiyoloogoo bili tugub. bili ilug eb nom neleb igung.
(The meat is good, we want to eat it so we raise pigs. It is a big animal.) (to give for a bride price) (hevis, to straighten them well) (To give to mother's brothers and sisters.) (Those are the reasons that we raise pigs.) (We also raise pigs to sell them for a large price.) (some people.. doing customs.. giving to others, it has a lot of meat. We need it for our hevis. We kill it for ourselves and share it with others. That's why we raise pigs.)
ig mohis mundu nom: oonn mee sinnol ogoo tal. pinot eb tal lebamayil ulutug omboo tooloomb agamb igung.. ulutub igung. hogot oonn egee ulutung a nom egeenn. henee nom endeteeng. omboo hogot tooloomoong. sinnol hogot oonn ig pinot om oboob agamb igung. yom bili tugub igung. henee nom egee hogot yab tooloomoong. nom egee ulutub igung. nom egee angoom.
(Us raising pigs is like this: We don't have meat. Because we don't have meat our grandparents had this customs, our fathers also did them, so I also raise pigs. A person wants to eat meat but he doesn't have any. He raises the pig. It gets big and then he can kill it and eat it. My grandparents did that, my parents did that, and I do that. Soon, Ivan will do it too.) (Meat for a bride price, it is big. Grandparents and mother's lain they bring the girl and we give them the bride price meat. There is a big pig and we gather food and give it to them. Pig meat and food, they bring it, gathering it together. When they are ready to kill the pig they drive a stick into the ground. The girl and her sisters come, they want to kill the pig, put it and go.) (Children were first nursed as children. They get big and then they give a pig back to their mother's brothers and sisters. They give food. Pig, things, money, they give to their mother's lain and the mother's lain is pleased. (When short on cash, a person can sell a small pig for money. That is a way to get money. Another way is to kill one pig, cut it in pieces, and sell the pieces for money.) (The way for hevis is one. To be rid of the hevi we bring pigs. We raise the pigs ... Sit down carefully and talk. We see/understand the hevi, shoot the pig and the person will be good again.)
(We raise pigs. Some of our customs are like this: We like to eat pork. We share it with our friends. We raise pigs to make money. We also raise them to give for a bride price. Also to give to the maternal uncles. Doing hevis is like this: to make things right with pigs, we raise them. Those are the reasons we raise pigs.)