Problems raising Pigs

last edited May 18, 2023, 2:10 p.m. by Philip

1-10 Farming & Ranching



hogot egee tooloomb iguguma. nom megite pinot eb iguguma? (What hevis do you have when raising pigs?)


Interview-Samuel - problems raising pigs
last edited May 18, 2023, 2:10 p.m. by Philip

    Speaker: Samuel

Orthographic text

oonn pinot nom endet: mena mogut toolugoot oboob ooloogat omboob oo eb igung oo. (lots of people giving advice and confusing Samuel up to this point) tooloomb agamb igung. oboo ogoo piyab igung. selenn agabi. agamung igisisu hogot om ooloogat nom wi heleb igung. ootoog hala ogootooloob. mena woongoo yab oboob igung. salab yab woondob oboob teb igung. oboob teb wogoosoob igung. wogeseb igung nemb igugund. minemb wa amasi wog mamatulumasi. om yab mena oboob wogoosoob yamung yab. ig selenn heleb igung. mooloo ogoo yab igugund. te wog me ab.. mooloo ogoo yab igugund ee ya me nemb ogooteleb. teb eb igugund oo.. mena nug ooguwasi. selenn mena wogoosu yamung yamung i. selenn heleb igung. selenn hoosu wog agabi heleb igugund. agabi halasi wog woongoo mena mogut higeb igung. galas mogut higeb igung. higoob toolugoot eb igung eb. sinde tooloo, mena galas ubub igung. ubub igung oo, niyoo hala eb igung oo. heem omboo igel nemb igung oo. wog wogoosoo honn hala, om hogot musom lumung yam. musom ulub ebigoondoo womboo endet, abandum higeb igung. ilib om hol henee hipannab.. hogot momulee hol henee hipannab igung. hipannab ogootooloob endet, wo tooloomb igisisu yati. agabi hala. musom ulub mena mogut omboo tooloomb igung. tootub mena nom nememind i sinnol agabi heleb igugund. agabi halasi nom hobol oog ee amoong. pinot megite tugub i a igel woondoo nug eb i ogoo. mo ute endet, oonn pinot eb ama utub igung. oonn temendum ogoo agamis oo. sinnol yoog esi, ooguwasi, palib wogoosoob igung. endet omboo hogot pinot.. oomoom ama utub igung. endet omboo, hogot pinot egee neleb aba toboong. nom pinot nom endeteeng nom neleb aba toboong. nom egee angoom.

Interview-Ulumo - problems raising pigs1
last edited May 18, 2023, 2:10 p.m. by Philip

    Speaker: Ulumo

Orthographic text

hogot yab tooloomb igung oo, wog pinot yab nagand. om: mena mogut megine yagand. yooguwasi mena egee ubum yam oo. mena bili tugub mu noomoong yam oo. nemb ogootooloob amoong yam: Mo, nu hogot ilib nongot emi, no hogot oo wendeb ni. oong yam. ig ogootooloob mu amoo, oonn oomoonn nomboo ig hobol amoong yam. hobol ubi agabisig amoong yam. no.. mohis nom no hogot wendeb ni. oong yam. mohis nom mena mogut ogoo yoguwa, hogot nom leb, ebe. egee yam. eb ig hobol huta ubi amoong yam. amb i mohis nom oonn musu yot tugugand yam. yot tugoosu hogot om giliminn wendeb nemb oonn yoog heseb igu. yog asa nemb igung. .. amb igung: no hogot om yot hogot yab su wendeb ilib, ni u. eenn oome his amoom: Mulil hogot em o eenn galas mogut yot tuguloot emi oo yab wendeb oo ilib, ninn yam. Nambi nog endet amoom, om endet amoom. nom eenn yot tugugam. hobol om egee angoom.

Interview-Ulumo - problems raising pigs2
last edited May 18, 2023, 2:10 p.m. by Philip

    Speaker: Ulumo

Orthographic text

hogot tooloomoom bili. sinnol niyoo bili oomoo oonn ooloogul agabi. oonn yot. nom nala ig hobol amoong yam. mohis eegende igitu nann mo hogot ogoo yot tugula hobol amoong yam

Interview-Ulumo - problems raising pigs3
last edited May 18, 2023, 2:10 p.m. by Philip

    Speaker: Ulumo

Orthographic text

hogot agabisig. meme agabi omboo tooloomb agamb mohis nemb a wog oosoong. yoog labasi ogoo ende nooloomoomung yam. omboo hogot agabi tooloomb igung. see om tooloomb igung. ooguwa niyoo hala, wondo egee.. yo wo egee nug. hiyoologoo tooloo igugund. hiyooloogoo ab peg om igitasi, (na) ig amoong oo, hogot agabisig tooloomug. oong. sinnol ta ogot eengoo hogot ee tooloomb agamb wendeb nug yab amoong. ig musu egee amoong yab es egeenn.

Interview-Yobugo - problems raising pigs1
last edited May 18, 2023, 2:10 p.m. by Philip

    Speaker: Yobugo

Orthographic text

(Pigs are big animals. That's why we raise them.) (Their hevi is this, we have to cut gardens for them. They will get into other people's gardens so we need to cut gardens for them. Then we can leave them and they eat. When they go in people's gardens, owners are told, and we bring them up and tie them on a leash. Like this, when I come to my garden, I bring the pig inside and it eats.) (It's big hevi is like that. I go down, get food, bring it and chop it in small pieces for the pig to eat. Yams, tapiok, sweet potatoes.. we go down and bring the roots up, cut them and the pigs eat. It becomes meat, goes down to the bush. It goes into people's gardens like this: get it and bring it on a leash, put it in the garden and it will eat and grow big. The hard part for me is like that.)

Interview-Yobugo - problems raising pigs2
last edited May 18, 2023, 2:10 p.m. by Philip

    Speaker: Yobugo

Orthographic text

(In raising pigs, while we raise them they poop around and we dislike it. It happens that they get into a persons garden and eats their food. We bring them away but they get into gardens again. That is the little bit I wanted to say.)