Music interview

last edited May 19, 2023, 3:20 p.m. by Steve

4-1 Music & Musical Instruments 4-4 Radio & Television


  1. speaker (boombox) ubiyab heb igugum. mogom speaker oboob igugund? (I've seen lots of speakers, who has speakers?)
  2. music om megite me speaker pigeb migemb iguwonn? (what music do you put on the speakers?)
  3. mogom music yog osob igu? (who gives you music?)
  4. megite music nonn ilu eb iguwonn? (what music do you like?)
  5. mogom music neleb speaker pigeb igugund? (who makes music to play on speakers?)


Interview, Elien - Music
last edited May 19, 2023, 3:20 p.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

1: 0:00:00 mohis omboo hutee Max hutee oboot Layimond hutee oboot spika agabi agabi nom agabisig endeteeng endeteeng nom ebemind tutub, tutub ubiyab igu 2: 0:00:24 nom kat kat pigeb migemb igung 3: 0:00:34 igel ab hulum egee yab endet oboob ilib pigeb migemb igung musik endet nom oboob igung oboob ilib kat oboob ilib pigeb migemb igung pusilim munum wog osob oboong yam oboob ilib pigeb amb migimoong 4: 0:00:57 nom mohis nom musik mohis wog wagand yam endet bili heb nom endet ilu heb hobol amb migemb igung woo pigisu wala endet migemb igung mohis unim agabi igu? mohis unim wog igugund hutee malaibs hutee Gedix mohis Madang mohis nom endet wog woo nom endet ilu eb endet pigeb migemb igung mohis honnot musik migemb igonn? oo mohis honnot musik migimoong yam radio migemb iguguma ig? hiyol ogoo radio FM ogoo pigeb migemb igung oo endet radio oboob endet FM ogoo pigisu mohis hobol amb yab ogootalasi woo om piguwasi endet nom migemb igung migemb agamoomung Australia radio migemb iguguma igot oomoo ig hooyom wig omboo hobol nom endet yog hobol ig hooyom wig ig hooyom wig omboo endet ab nomboo igu mu pigeb igung nobug hobol ogoo endet pigeb amasi endet migemb igung

Interview - Soso, music
last edited May 19, 2023, 3:20 p.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

1: 0:00:00 (Kelly and Klemens have one, so does Max) 2: 0:00:25 (we put a card in and it has songs on it) 3: 0:00:46 (we buy the cards in Chineese stores) 4: 0:01:11 (we listen to people who have recorded music, white people music and PNG music. Are there famous PNG artists? Yes there are. Gedix, Demas, Malaips, Wili otorobu, ol doks flying fox, there are lots. Who's the best artist? Sandy was one of the first, he heard Lucky and emulated him in Madang. Sandy was number one for our fathers and they bought his cassettes, now it's Gedix) (Do the chineese stores put lots of different songs on the card and sell them to you? yes. Or we put the radio on and we'll hear all these guys) (Do you guys listen to the radio? Yes we can get Madang radio, or put it on FM 93 to get Moresby)

Interview - Semik - Music
last edited May 19, 2023, 3:20 p.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

1: 0:00:00 (There's lots of boomboxes around, only a few big speakers) 2: 0:00:57 (we get songs on cards and put them in boomboxes and listen as we go about) 3: 0:01:14 (where do you get them? We get them in town, or we buy empty ones in the store. We buy them from your place in Brian Bell. if we get blank cards friends send us songs from their phones. If we like some songs they have we'll get the from them. Do Chineese stores provide cards with songs on them? Yes they do that. Some cards have songs and some dont't) 4: 0:03:02 (We listen to good music. Music from people from town, bush people don't make music. Who are popular artists? Gedix, Malaips, Junior wali, Ubunag. Who do you like? Malaips, Gedix) (what instruments do they play? Our ancestors played kundu drums. Now they play keyboard, they make music and put it on the internet and we get it on cards) (when do you listen to music on your boombox? My boombox broke, so I listen on my phone, I put the card in it. I listen when I'm doing garden work, when hiking back up, in the evening at home. On a long difficult hike I'll listen to music, like that)