Growing cocoa near house

last edited May 25, 2023, 8:10 a.m. by Steve

1-8 Gardening & Gathering


I asked Silas who the cocoa trees belonged to by his house and why they were planted


Silas - Cocoa by my garden house
last edited May 25, 2023, 8:10 a.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

moogom kakau ubut? enn ubum kakau his oboob ab hulum ogoo yab pendebigeb igonn o wig? wig hum agann ologonn ilib hum ogoo yaga mohis kobumbua womboo wom ogoo ubub iguwasi Olonann ina (Angondee) oboob yat oboob yab wog was moni hebigondoo utumind endeteeng simonn pusilim munum logooneng, kakau om logooneng wig kakau om logooneng wig hebigondoo his oboot megite henee ogoo kakau ubunn? enn hum ubum nomol ogoo womboo kakau agamoot agamoot enn hum oboob ilib am oo hum ubum hutee omboo igisinim eb his nemb igonn oo wig? his om hiyol ogoo lagoom hala hipagab onn wabi yogumoo nom hum nemb munum teleb igung