Teaching their kids

last edited May 26, 2023, 7:08 a.m. by Natalie

3-8 Health & Sickness 3-3 Marriage & Family 3-19 Infant Care & Childhood 3-20 Instilling of Norms and Customs 8-2 Culture & Social Norm Education


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What they teach their children
last edited May 26, 2023, 7:08 a.m. by Natalie

    Speaker: Samuel

Orthographic text

Endet indamot inamot school endete jo osob igund. Hovol hoyom endet jogenonn amb igund. Hovol hoyom amb igund, Jog homong jot endet neleb ege , jot ala homong ilu hoyom endet, mo ute eb mogog, abu utub nemb, mesem selib gitas eb igund. Inda hovol ama salamb ina hovol ama salamb ege gesininn om endet, homong bili ege salamb ninn eb igu. Oh homong jot endet nonn hovol wompagab ja, pasum ge neninn ig o, teme oogol ute nog mandenim ig o nom endet, hab nom janbonn mu ge gesinn. nandas ge umininn eb igund. Enn musu tandenn dete is nom ameninm eb ogo angom.