Putting bamboo siding on a house

last edited Dec. 31, 2021, 1:18 a.m. by Steve

1-4 Structures & Buildings 3-26 Cliques & Groups


First a particular type of bamboo is cut and carried to the build site. Scaffolding is errected using bush poles and long pieces of bamboo. Bamboo is prepared by both men and women, but the weaving and attaching of the siding is done by men. The men doing this task means more bamboo is prepared by women than by men, but both work at it. Bamboo is prepared by being hammered flat, followed by the protruding knuckles being shaved off with a machete. Bamboo is put up in diagonal strips and woven together with the same number of pieces going over and under each time. Temporary blocks of wood are nailed in to hold it up until batons can be attached. Protruding bamboo is cut off with a knife.


The community worked together to put bamboo siding on our houses. The bamboo came from around the Kumus area as there isn't much of it around Kokoma, it was carried over here in a community effort. During siding Philip's house it was noticable that the Evesil and Kokoma group of men worked seperatly on different sides of the house.


Max talks about putting blain on Philip's house
last edited Jan. 23, 2020, 9:30 p.m. by Steve