Problems with schooling

last edited June 2, 2023, 3:33 p.m. by Steve

8-4 Elementary & Higher Education 8-5 Teacher & Student Issues/Relationships


Chatting to Mosiligam and Samuel 2 problems with schools came up. The first and biggest one is not having the money to pay school fees and the second was kids not achieving good grades. I asked about teacher attitudes towards bush kids, but the answer just says that some are good at school and some aren't. The lack of grades didn't really come up in the text, but was part of the conversation. In the text Mosiligam focuses on the problem of paying school fees, especially for later grades. He also talks about kids spending money that should be for school fees.


Mosiligam - hevis with school
last edited June 2, 2023, 3:33 p.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

ig undum endet hooyom ab ogoo ab hulum ogoo omoo ogootooloob igung ogootooloob wog pinot ig yamung endet meemunum endet yab wog hooyom ab om meemunum pigisu hooyom oboob nononn ogoo wig meemunum ogoo pinot nom heb igung wog hooyom egee heb hooyom hebigondoo hooyom oboob igugund omoo ig wog ongoo ogootooloob igugund omboo endet wog om mehamonn endet oguwol undum nom nalasi hooyom nom ilib ooguwa ig undum nom nalas hooyom nom neleb iguwoo meemunum endet nom neleb igugund pinot endet nom nalasi ig heb igung nom egee amoong em endet nom neleb endet ig undum ombul his endet hooyom agabi agabi loomboo libemind grade 10 nom libemind libemind nom endet pinot nom meemunum oguwoo hamind oo loogooneeng wig heb ogooteleb ab ogoo om igugund laimond nog i endet manos og om manas wanai ogootooloob wog hum womom yamind os egee mandoogoond yam hooyom ab nom endet meemunum ogoo ta heleb endet loogooneeng wig omboo ogootooloomung ongoo yet hum igugund nom musu nom egee angoom ig pinot egee heb nom om hooyom ab ogoo pinot egee obug nom ee musu nom egee angoom (tisa long taun i save lukautim pikinini bilong yu gut o ol les long bus lain?) wog mehamonn endet wog hooyom endet mehamonn nagand yam bili tu enn endel asamog endet was hooyom wog osob mehamonn nom nagand yam nagand yam oo hooyom oboogoond yam om ilib hooyom nom oboob hes piguwoo nomboo endet yomboo hiyol ogoo heb igung hobol dugandum nom hooyom oboob nom hes pigeb igugund ig undum om wig hum heb igung hooyom nom nalasi heleb igu hiyol ogoo om bili hum nom hes pigeb igugund piguwasi om yab meemunum om pigisu yab hooyom om agabi negeb womom meemunum ogoo talee om otoosu hum tol ab ogoo igugund pinot ogoo heb igung nom egee angoom ig ab omboo mohis wig omboo endet yog labagama egee yog eeguwa endet hobol ombasi ig abagam bili egee agamb hooyom wosoong yam olooguwoo endet hooyom nom yog esas hooyom ilug eb i ig yogoonoong ogoo igung

Mosiligam - kids wasting school fee money
last edited June 2, 2023, 3:33 p.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

undum skul ogoo hooyom ab ogoo igugund om wog inda ina meemunum ongoo hutam nononn hutam tugusu wog honn en meemunum ogoo ilib ama utung yam utung yam oboob eeg igot ham oo endet undum bili oo oboob yab endet em oboob yam om hooyom ab noloo bili tugub pugugee yam undum endet yot oo oya egee inom meemunum om nemb nengee yam nemb nom honn hooyom obab nom onnol nom egee yot tuguga yam endet nom honn ig endet nom neleb igung nom ig egee amoong