Interview about schools

last edited June 7, 2023, 2:31 p.m. by Steve

8-4 Elementary & Higher Education


  1. skul om megite me igu? skul heni igu ig o wig? (are there any schools close by?)
  2. honn nonn undum ogoo skul ogoo yab hooyom obonn ig oo wig? (When you were a child did you go to school?)
  3. nonn undum skul ogoo yab hooyom egee ebinn ig o wig? (will your child go to school)
  4. megite skul nonn undum egee yann ig? (which school will your kid go to?)
  5. skul minda bili om megite me? (what good things come from school?)
  6. sigig pigoo nom, hutee , minda agabi ig o wig? (is literacy a big thing?)
  7. megite henee ogoo sigig heb sigig pigoo nog minda bili ig? (why is literacy a good thing?)

Mogam's answer to 6 and 7 may have gone into cargo cult thinking. I'm quite sure Max's answer to 6 and 7 also went into cargo thinking


Interview - Mogam, schools
last edited June 7, 2023, 2:31 p.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

1: 0:00:00 ig ab omboo skul hutee mu igu ab hulum ogoo skul igu. magilon om hutam nagand ,ham unim hutee mu oboot humann igisinn. Magilon skul igu? humann wig og heem omboo endet neleb ogootelemind agat om humann wig mehamonn nala yam wagand skul igu heb amoong yam i hum igisininn ig heem omboo hum nelemind omoo teb ogootelemind. skul ig ab omboo mu igu ig hogu yu hooyom endet skul hooyom hutee oboob ilib ogooteleb nog wig endet tuwol ogoo ilib magilon omboo pigeb nagand omoo ig hogu yu endet mehamonn nala nogot nom endet mehamonn nagot om his mu haga. endet nom om ig omonn wog mehamonn neleb 2: 0:00:44 enn skul ogoo mu yam 3: 0:00:55 nom enn hooyom mu hagam musu om endet undum skul ogoo yab hooyom ebenim eb musu hum igu musu om endet nom igu igita hum igugum enn skul ogoo mu yam. undum tutub igitasi igung salib tutub igitasi ig igugum 4: 0:01:22 musu omboo ombul endet wog endet mu libas nom endet musu ab endet om ab hulum egee yann heb musu nom agamoot nom enn undum heem Kit honom musu nom egee agamoot yog eeg mu egee looboomuwa omboo honn salib yooguwa onn hes sann hala omoo skul ab hulum ogoo yab ilininn eb musu nom agamoot agamoot yog om libasi endet yog hooyom omboo heleb amb i skul omboo egee igisinn libasi endet nom enn musu ombul hum igu skul endet ab hulum egee ilininn ig heb om oo igel ab omboo ilininn ig heb enn musu ombul endet nom igu 5: 0:01:56 skul ogoo yab skul ilib hooyom heleb minda minda bili bili hiyol ogoo nalasi heb igitug heb musu endet nom om amb igung 6: 0:02:17 nom ig musu endet nom amb igung skul ogoo yab endet skul hooyom oboob endet minda agabisig hutee endet hooyom nomboo egee tebinn heb endet nom amb igung skul hooyom wig sigig hooyom wig nom endet nom inda hutee agabi om mu egee hoog heb nom endet amb igu sigig hooyom ndugandum sigig om hooyom egee nelis nom heb igung oo minda agabisig hooyom heleb endet nom amb igung 7: 0:02:50 skul ogoo yab endet hooyom ab ogoo yab skul ilib endet hooyom heleb honn hooyom omboo endet meme hiyol ogoo egee hes ndugann heb nom endet nom amb igung

Interview - Max, schools
last edited June 7, 2023, 2:31 p.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

1: 0:00:00 (we don't have schools here, it's been like that for a long time, in our father's time and today. We're not schooled. Just a few of our kids go and get school, we people in the bush don't have good school. We stay here and we know about planting food and looking after pigs. We don't know school work, then you guys came, in our time you guys came. We're happy about that you're learning our language, you'll write books and teach us is what you said we're happy about that and we're going to do it, we'll plant a school here and our kids will learn. There's work to do and you're getting our language but it could take some years. We're happy that your 3 families have come) 2: 0:02:38 (I left school. I did a little school, but I left it. I was learning but there was a hevi... -there was a big class and my learning wasn't going well- [I think he says]. I [or my parents] was scared and I came back. I left school in the middle. Which grade was that? Grade 2) 3: 0:03:29 (It's the same with my kids, I left school and they don't have learning. They are here and don't know. If a hevi will come I don't know, that hevi comes. When they're big will a hevi come? Will they drink water, smoke and do that I don't know. Will the do well or not I don't know. If they do well they will stay, if they don't they will come back. My bel is like that. My firstborn is... learning? I left him to learning and his uncle is looking after him) 4: 0:04:28 (he's at ambilina. Where is that? Tabagi) 5: 0:04:50 (people go and learn, some people work, they become teachers or do work. That's what town people do. We bush people don't, maybe one or two will work like be a council. They could do mission work, writing books, work lotu, that sort of thing. People who are highly educated go to town to work school work is like that. A few of us learn lot and do work like government work. Some do mission work telling people what good and bad behaviour is and to follow good behaviour. That's what school work is like) 6: 0:06:52 (writing is a big thing, books can be written and knowledge gotten. not having literacy is a big hevi) 7: 0:07:40 (if someone knows how to write good things will come, -we'll get them in our place-? We'll become save people. We don't know this work though and we don't have school. You guys have come and you're doing a big work. You guys will start a school and teach us, we'll see clearly and read books that work will happen. We'll school and we'll ride in the helicopter and see you they'll talk and go on the helicopter we'll go about up there. we'll go to kosilim? they'll go in the helicopter and school will come. They'll get good things. That's not for us though, our eyes are dark we have it difficult our money is short -and we have only a few things?-)

interview - Yagil, schools
last edited June 7, 2023, 2:31 p.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

1: 0:00:00 (there are schools, right here there isn't but around. Magilon, Atitiau, Wanuma. What grade does Magilon do? Grade 1 and 2. Atitau? That's a primary grades 1-8. Wanuma is the same. Now I don't know, but before it was like that. Do your kids go to Magilon school? Long ago they did, now not. Same with Atitau) 2: 0:02:03 (I didn't go to school. I left one of my kids at school) 3: 0:02:31 (My kid went to school, but he left. Grade 1 he left, he didn't learn) 4: 0:03:00 (He went to school in Emal, but he left it. The school building fell apart and they abandoned it) 5: 0:03:30 (your eyes become clear. You see good things clearly, you go to school and you can read) 6: 0:03:56 (Literacy is a big thing, you work hard and you can read) 7: 0:04:16 (when someone can read they do the work they can do and they don't do the work they can't do. what work? working for money, reading. If you know lots you can get a job, otherwise you just stay home)