School vocabulary

last edited June 28, 2023, 9:56 a.m. by Steve

8-5 Teacher & Student Issues/Relationships


Elicited some school/literacy vocabulary. Initially from Soso and Mosiligam


School vocabulary
last edited June 28, 2023, 9:56 a.m. by Steve

    Speaker: Soso/Mosiligam
Orthographic text

- sigig pigo ("writing") - sigig pigo heb niningat oogonn ("writing and reading") - sigig heb amee ("read this [out loud?]") - sigig pigeb niningat oowug ("we will read") - hooyom mohis ("teacher") - sigig pigo hooyom mohis ("literacy teacher") - hooyom mohis hooyom egee yog esinn ("the literacy teacher will teach us") - hooyom egee obug (or olug) ("we will learn") - hooyom obo ndugandum ("student")