Cooking salab for workday

last edited July 7, 2023, 11:01 a.m. by Gerdine

1-7 Food & Drink 3-4 Interpersonal & Social Relationships


On May 26 the community gathered for the building of the walls on Malina and her husband's new house. The men gathered at the building site whilst all the ladies were at Malina's old house in Oburumam Ume. When I arrived there they had already prepared all the tapiok in bamboo and were cooking it. Malina gave me this text about the preparation of the tapiok.


Salab for wall building
last edited July 7, 2023, 11:01 a.m. by Gerdine

    Speaker: Malina

Orthographic text

hoomee moogut yab salab wendeb oboob ilib o pigeb oboob libom oboob ilib ab ogoo ilib pigeb iningoom su asamog salib salab ingumeteb hogu palibigoom siligitigoom ilam sog oboob pigeb omu sog pigeb ebegeleb moogogoom umi ogoo moogob oboob leb mut ogo etesi ege ooguwa (cooked, ready) hiyol oogoom mannab ogoo pigoom ooguwa mannab pigoom hiyol oogoom mu ege se ege hiyol ege ligilog igu na (bihain) om ege etenim nog ogwa ogoo teleb anateb (rausim long umi) ipundub teleb ese musom ege wendenim se wendeb obob o waninn geyo wog osug se wendeb obob mohis molomunn wong obob yab wog osug ege nis