Alfons, the healthworker history

last edited June 8, 2023, 11:03 a.m. by Steve

9-2 Activities & Extent of Government


On June 6 2023 Alfons came to give measles and polio vaccinations. He was the guy wanting to set up an aid post in Musupum in 2019 while we were there. I asked Set, who knows him for some history. The conversation we had before this text had some more details, but this is what I got - it's a very basic text saying before the work fell down and now there are vaccinations


It's interesting to see that Set is only happy with Alfons for the vaccinations happening now. He doesn't criticize him for the earlier work falling down. It suggests to me that people are very forgiving as long as some kind of service or benefit comes their way.


Set - Alfons biography
last edited June 8, 2023, 11:03 a.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

(let me tell you about Alfons. We're ward 25 and 26 in the Wanuma area, Madang open, sumkal open, middle Ramu open he did some work. He was going to do some work in Nate's are, he did the groundwork for it. We saw him going around, he was doing it for Nate. He was going to do some government work, he was setting it up in Pal but it fell down in the middle of the work. I followed it but it didn't work and he left. After a while some some talk came about doing something. you guys do the New Tribes work and I'll do a haus sik work, vaccinations. He said that and he came. We're happy with that. We've seen the work and we're happy. We saw it and he worked in Evesil yesterday, now Kokoma, Tolookum and Puslia today. That's my short talk)