making doors

last edited June 8, 2023, 11:07 a.m. by Rhett

1-5 Furniture & Appliances


when asking about making beds last week the topic of doors also arose. Also a building material called "sul" came up, as in the past it was used to build doors and blains, though it has fallen mostly out of use


Yagil building a door
last edited June 8, 2023, 11:07 a.m. by Rhett

    Speaker: Yagil

Orthographic text

(tell me about the time you made a door) enn ennel yam yab, neyim weneb malum higoom igeb, igisi yoogwa ipannab, hihebigoom ihoogoometeb obulub salannatoom, salannatoom bili tugub, oboob lib Hobogol aleg noom nooloom (when did you make it) hoo heyig nooloom. noom hemoond obugum hiyol hiyol hemoond yat noom his onnol igita see hom obogol noom his oboob yab nooloom obogol aleg noom his ebeb yab om nooloom noom igu (why didn't you use tagul skins? I screwed up this questions, forgetting the word "sul" and instead saying tagul skin which are not at all the same thing) tuwol egemee tuwol nooloom neleb obogol (palang) noom hala noom oboob yab um nooloom nooloom ogootooloob hala um igu neyim sa hala noomboo yab om obogol aleg nooloom igu (did you use nails) pugum ogoo tuwol noom nooloom pugum noom det his onnol tuwol isig ogoo noom poolulub, tuwol isig poolulub pugub hala noom omboo yab tuwol om egemee tuwol ogoo noom onnol pugum hala noomboo hoom nooloom isig noomboo his nooloom

Sul and it's uses today
last edited June 8, 2023, 11:07 a.m. by Rhett

    Speaker: Ivan

Orthographic text

(why don't you build with sul?) ig hoo endet, tatugum mot inda mot ogoo endet tuwol ab egeemee tuwol ab his nolo, neleb endet yat sul hogu igeb oboob teb tuwol yeteb wi tugub, hobolog aleg noomboo utub inemind yam yabi inda mot wog honn ogoo endet tuwol om asam tuwol ap lumagand yam asam tuwol ap loometee endet yanim hot higee ihebigeb ipundub wi tugub ihebigeb sannatoob wi tugub oogooteleb endet obogol aleg nagand yam nalasi endet ig hom asam omboo lib endetee his nann yam endet sul hogu oogoo endet tuwol ap tolo ogoo sul hogu ogoo nang yam honn hutam hutam endet noom honn nang yam o se om, ap peg oogoo tuwol ap endet tuwol ap asam, tuwol ap neleb oong yam pugum ogoo his mehomonn neleb oong yam o (palann) salannatee obogol aleg noombo his um neleb utub inoong yam (does sul still have a job?) sul ogoo mehomonn igu (what work) tuwol ap tolo oomboo ig tuwol ogoo mandoong yam noom noomboo ab tolo hute endet, sul hogu palib oboob teb Oboob teb, yootoong yam sul hot eb endet, yab igeb ogoo hogu palib oboob tooboong yam sul hogu mu heb, umi yab ipundub oboob lib tuwol ap gesiool abagand yam gesibool ebegeleb noomboo igung See hoom endet noom a nann (once I saw sul, when the woman died) (what was that?) sul hogu yab, palib oboob lib oongoo ab neleb wi tugub Oboob a yogumo noomboo pigeb igu sul hogu yab palib oboob teb hamind o ongoo ap usomb wi tugub ogooteleb, minda Ubi hogu (pipia pipia) minda minda noom oboob pigeb endet onn umo obob a sul hogu noom yogumo ogoo pigemind ongoo ap usomb hamind a noomboo yogumo pegeb igugund (is a box?) coffin hogulo endet noom ogoo nelemind (do you have a word for that?) ig hobol hutee om amung omboo? ig hobol ogoo endet ongoo ap um nelemind. neyim hogu palib oboob teb ongoo ab um nelemind angib pigoob angib pigug