Fixing the community water tanks

last edited June 8, 2023, 2:59 p.m. by Philip


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Plan to switch tanks around
last edited June 8, 2023, 2:59 p.m. by Philip

    Speaker: Silas

Orthographic text

Noonn ooluguwoo nomol leb.. ilib, yoogumoo pee hebigondoo omboo.. hutee hiyol om singilin oo nala nala. Hiyol om eeg ilib ooguwoo leb leb. Nomol umi hot iguwot, ab o wens.. yombonn om wanda hala, yot hogot. Omboo nom palib somulub ibab, hom pigeb. Pee hiyol omboo om.. umi hot hutee om piguwa yooguwa. Nomol ilib.. yab nomboo yab.. eeg ilib nomboo ilib ooguwoo leb yann. Yab.. aleg wes ogoo yann.

Fill water bottles before emptying tanks
last edited June 8, 2023, 2:59 p.m. by Philip

    Speaker: Silas

Orthographic text

Nomol umi ogoo iguwot oo, oobulub tolugee. Ilib hum leb yombonn wanda yot hoogoot a. Omboo oobulub tolugee a.. nang. Omboo eenn teme ndugandum wogoonoonn amb e.. yagil nomol undug eb, eeg undasi ogootooloob. Oobulub teleb, om ibab… tom ogoo iguwot oboob, hiyol yomboo pigeb. Yooguwoo iguwot, omboo utambo pigisu. Nomol hom leb yannam eb.

water bottles filled - draining tanks
last edited June 8, 2023, 2:59 p.m. by Philip

    Speaker: Silas

Orthographic text

Nomol undub oboob wi tugulasi, ig soonno wasoo palibong. Ebegenee magatang. Magatele, soonnoo endee womoom soonnoo pooloonn tuguloosu. Mamalumusu, nomol leb a yaga. Yab yooguwa, nomol umi hot pibugub. Nom leb, nomol huwam wo undub pigee. Piguwa, nom susoomb nooloomung i ogootooloob. Teb mooloob ogoo igung oo. Noog yooguwa egee bili tugolug.

finishing with tanks - leak at connections
last edited June 8, 2023, 2:59 p.m. by Philip

    Speaker: Silas

Orthographic text

Nomol umi hot om bili tugub nang oo. Nomol isig oobulub teleb, sooguwa om heleb. Nomol sooguwa om sindee om yab nala heleb. Nomol umi omboo yooguwa, oongoo isim iloomoo.. ombul om isimboo lebegee. Laba moondu neleb bili tugang. Om moondu hom lebegee. Laba, nom moondu om nomingi me sooguwa.. isig oo ogootooloob oo sooguwa omboo laba noosum bili haga. Bili hala, ogootoolug eb oo nang.

fixing water tanks
last edited June 8, 2023, 2:59 p.m. by Philip

    Speaker: Mele

Orthographic text

Ig nomol om, umi hot om, yot hala. Nomol aba, eb bili tugub. Yab yombonn wendeb e teb hom pigong yab wi tugub. Nim sa oboob pigob, wi tugub ogooteleb. Nomol umi hot ebeb pigeb.. nomol umi hot oboob pigeb nang oo. Nomol laba, moondu mesag laba, noloomug i, nom bili tugub ogooteleb. Om wondu om. Moondu om, nomol laba eb, nom om yab.. nomol umi hot oboob laba, nom neleb bili tugub ogootooloob. Nomol sooguwa om yab nala, tee yooguwa, oong oo. Nomol mu laba, heb.. bili haga heb, om woo wootang.