Teacher student interviews

last edited June 28, 2023, 9:11 a.m. by Steve

8-5 Teacher & Student Issues/Relationships


  1. ab hulum skul ogoo grade 1 class nom, undum megitet hooyom oboob igugund ig? (how many kids are in a town grade 1 class?)
  2. grade 1 undum class pugub, omonn yot nala, mohis hooyom megite me neleb igugund? (what does a teacher do to a misbehaving student?)
  3. mohis hooyom undum wondob loogooneeng ig oo wig? (can a teacher hit kids?)
  4. undum mohis hooyom amb igugund? onn unim amb igugund, oo masta amb igugund ig? (how do students address the teacher, do they use his name?)


Interview - Aiven, teacher/student issues
last edited June 28, 2023, 9:11 a.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

1: 0:00:00 endet grade 1 ndugandum endet hiyol ogoo 20, 30 hiyol ogoo 40, 50 hiyol ogoo endet 100 nom om agamb igugund mohis hooyom hutam 100 hooyom utugee yam? mohis hutam his hiyol ogoo endet ombul sindee yab igugund honn hutee ogoo mohis hutam sindee yaga endet mohis ndugandum nom hooyom wog osob igu ab hulum ogoo endet hooyom mohis om ubiyab ubiyab omboo endet hiyol ogoo ombul egee igisis hiyol ogoo ombul hutam egee igisis hiyol ogoo hutam see igisinn endet nom om amb igugum 2: 0:00:45 om omonn yot nala endet inda ina nog amb igugund nom omonn endet nom mu neleb igugund endet nom mu neleb igugund wog om egendee bili omboo haga endet hooyom oboob ogoo yab teb egendee ina hobol amasi agamb ogooteleb endet nom omonn nogoonoong amb igugund 3: 0:01:07 mohis hooyom oboob sindee om endet hooyom wog osob wato hobol amb igot om mu salamasi wog wondulub igu wog wondulub hooyom wog heseb endet nom amb igu 4: 0:01:20 unim amb igugund asamog om yab sindee hagand endet wog hooyom mohis wog esas sindigee yann nom endet honn hutee asamog bili yeb hamung omoo wog endet holo his om ibab egee nog amis asamog bili egee yis asamog bili heb onn unim nom egee amis

Interview - Set, teacher/student
last edited June 28, 2023, 9:11 a.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

1: 0:00:00 (he lists the kids who went to school. Pauline Grade 3, Greyfire Grade 2, Lemeltel grade 1, Kuuliann Grade 2, Ununngu grade 2, manumb grade 7, Seeyen grade 2. Lots have done grade 8. We don't do teacher work, or money work) 2: 0:01:39 (my kid went to school and bad behaviour means showing a card to a parent? The kid doesn't eat? My kid did that? Munobunn was the same? His school went bad and his dad wasn't happy. He got meat for wanbel? He came back) 3: 0:02:55 (yes he can hit them or make them do school work?) 4: 0:03:29 (misunderstood the question. They get certificates which they can show to big schools)

Interview - Ulumo, teachers and students
last edited June 28, 2023, 9:11 a.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

1: 0:00:00 (I don't know, people tell me 20, 30 or 40.) 2: 0:00:19 (They tell their mothers. If they see them stealing they tell them to stop. We looked after you and you have bad behaviour, yu became a raskol. You cut people with machetes and your wife too that's what they do) 3: 0:00:44 (yes they hit them. They'll tell their dad that they've left school to do stealing and he'll hit them, they leave that they say to a man he hit them and one of them died [I think Ulumo is thinking about his own child that died and he blames something that happened at school with a sanguma]. They learned to do that, they do nambis pasin. He hit kids in the school. They told the parents my child has come from school, he did bad behaviour and we saw it. The teacher tells them mum your kid did this and that you should hit him. he died, the teacher hit them. Doing things your way Iit didn't come to me. You guys straightened it and said go to school. Some did, some didn't. They see the report, threw it away and hit the teacher. They say that and put it ples klia and I put it ples klia. If your'ge going to sit sit, if you're going to shake hands shake hands, if you're going to go on a PMV go on a PMV. That happened they cut the grass, they cut the house, something about water. This hevi happened, or they carry a big log on their shoulders till 1 o clock and then put it down. That's how they teach. If you behave badly that's what you'll have to do) (If a teacher hit your child for misbehaving would you be happy? I would be upset. If my child was hit and died I would be upset. I told my kids to not get an education. someone? would get upset and someone? would get upset. It's the same in the bush or in town. They say that, stay he says if he hits you someone? will be upset. I say if [my kids] don't follow my talk, if they don't get Dad's wisdom I'll hit them if I do that they'll follow people's talk)