Punishing a child with hunger

last edited June 15, 2023, 12:31 p.m. by Steve

3-28 Behavior Modifications 8-1 Theory & Methods of Education


During Teacher student interviews Set had mentioned that a parent may punish a child for being bad at school with hunger. I didn't catch all the Matat, but I asked Tobee and he confirmed it


Tobee - punishing with hunger
last edited June 15, 2023, 12:31 p.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

endet undum hooyom ab ogoo egee ogootelis om endet undum om hooyom ab ogoo yam omonn endet habu lambinn ig oo hobol amis mu salaminn oo mesagil nom ul lolomb yat nann ig oo na na hooyom mohis nom hagam aminn oo nim sog lomotob oboob ilib eginn oo onn inda ina wog esinn wog esa endet wog inda obo eenn wo endet omonn endet a naga ogootooloob egee igisinn monn hooyom ab ogoo yann ol yab sindee mu egee yann hum mandi liba egee noog aminn nonn enn oo hooyom ab ee yab igonn ig egenn igut tugub onn aminn enn hooyom ab ogoo mandoogoom egenn moo nim sog nom heb wamba noog egee aminn amb omboo heleb endet nomboo inda ina wog abagam yot legis oo hagam so negee nom nonn hum minee noog igitee igis heb mena limee mu egee utis onn inda endet sogu hutee igisinn ig oo onnol endet wog mohis mondu olo hutee hiyol omboo egee igisinn nom biyab mena nemb tee tee egee nininn nom stoli hebigondoo tandeng endet nom egee angoom