Porosa fighting and murder - Ulumo

last edited July 5, 2023, 11:32 a.m. by Philip

6-1 Offenses & Crimes 2-2 Family & Clan 3-18 Fights; Antagonisms & Battles 3-15 Social Problems & Issues Philip-DA


Ulumo is telling me the story of the hevi in Porosa. He tells his understanding of how the fighting started and why people were killed. It ends orphans and their uncle wanting to take from Kokoma to his place. (Side note that is not in the story: land and inheritance comes through the father and it is the mother's line here in Kokoma. Koluleb is part of the father's line.)


Porosa fighting and murder
last edited July 5, 2023, 11:32 a.m. by Philip

    Speaker: Ulumo

Orthographic text

Pulusee wog oo welemind emi. Koluleb oogi Beli noog, wog ab yombonn ogoo wo nelemind. Ab yombonn ogoo neleb (string) pigemind oo. Egeleb Yooguwo ab agabi om lib i, wo (string) palibigot. Alugutub Hipundub wog ilib piyab, wo om soogutugub ilib hamind ee . Mee mee nom teenn Egeleb Yooguwo ogoo anamag om ilib hipundut. hipunda ilib obugum hi pannabigemind. Ilib his hogu ogoo higemind. Onn agamb i Beli obugum omboo hi hebigoot. Obugum heem hi hebigoot. Hi hebiguwa ogootooloob, wog abagam ootool eleb, Egeleb Yooguwo, mohis agabi obugum hi pannabigemind. hi pannab yasi ogootooloob, yamind. yab anamag nom onn hagat yam inemb hoogooguwa hoogooguwa, mohis ab ogoo libemind. Ab ogoo ilib oboob yamind. oboob yab ogootooloob, hamind. “yogondoogoond emi” emind. “Mohis ab nom” emind, “om gi eeyis” emind. “Gi eeyis” eb i, mogog Wele womoom piyasi yat. Yooguwa ogootooloob Betuel ogoo liboot. Ilib enn enoong amoot. “Noonn agamb migemb igisininn emi” et. “ab hutee sangool egee luminn” et. ooguwa “Moo, noonn megite mehamonn neninn ig?” eb amoom “Woonoong iluwa, sangool egee migimininn” et. ooguwa enn migemb igisisi, ogooteleb i teb inom tebemind. Nom Wele wo ebemind. Wog omonn ogoo nelemind. Omonn ogoo neleb ilib, tol hesiloo ogoo yamind. hesiloo ogoo agamb ogootooloob. Omonn neleb ogooteleb lib i, enn duga hambul om ..enn undum ab om teenn wogendemind. (undulumemind) Wogendeb, Kombono welemind. Pulise halenn wendemind. Uhu wendemind. Beli wendemind. Gokwak wendemind. Le (ogooteleb) Koluleb oo lagab i, Absakul ilat. Kombono ogoo liboot. (Tambu) (meaning Nimsingara) noog yom igita, Yomus oog yom igita, Molulu yab i, Yomus ogooteleb i, Kombono oboob toboot. Oboob taba noog oogoog igisisu, Kombono uma pigoomung. Pigoob undum oolalam wog wogoonoong igisisu. Koluleb om toboogot. Teb undum om wogoonoong linim eb naga. Wogoonoong linim eb i angee. “Inda” egee “undum om” egee “enn wogoonoong linim” egee. Ogoo angoom oo, “enn mu egee aminim” oogoom. “hum wogoonoong igugum omboo” oogoom “noonnol wogoonoong ilinim eb, wogoonoong ilu” oogoom. Teb wog pinot om endete nelemind. Neleb i mohis wogendemind. Wog elemeteb om boo helemind. (e)leb wog minda minda, wog meme teenn tol mut etemind. (Moni) mut etemind. Beeyil, sibelig, hubi hogu minda, nom teenn mut atasi et. Mut atasi ooguwa ogootooloob, (na) wog elemetoob. Wog tumunn heeyo wig. hum ogooteleb Boo helemind oo. Koluleb yab i, onn oogoomboot mag, onn anim hot.. tumunn nom egee. Onn eb ogooteleb teb angot, “enn undum om noog linim” egee. Linim eb i, toboogot omboo hobol om ig yogoonoong amo ogoo tebegee. taba, ig hobol see mu amoong oolooguwo hobol amb bili tugub i. undum om ongoo ogootoosu noog egee ilis. Omboo enn hobol hebigondoo tandeng, endet aminim oogoom egee angoom. Onn pinot om musu nom es egee hi pannab egee angoom.