How to make salt - Kelly

last edited July 7, 2023, 3:52 p.m. by Philip

1-7 Food & Drink Philip-DA


Natalie recorded this text from Kelly. He explains how they make salt.


How to make salt - Kelly
last edited July 7, 2023, 3:52 p.m. by Philip

    Speaker: Kelly

Orthographic text

ig toomoonn otug eb mut oboob alalub oobulub igung mut abalam ilinn, mut ilinn bili bili peninnot nom his oboob oobulub ogootooloob, yab toomoonn otug eb ab ooboogooloob igung ab ooboogooloob bili tugub wi tugub ogootooloob, toomoonn higeb igung toomoonn higeb pigisu pigisu agamb nomol yooguwa yooguwa ogootooloob. mut nim hot higeb igung. nim hot ligilog, bili bili hologul wo oboob teb ebe ebe pigeb igung. ebe ebe pigisu, asam liba loogooneeng hala heb ogootooloob toomoonn otug eb mut hiyogob lub igung (hiyogob) yogumo hiyogob lub henee weleb oobulub yamung i wi tugub ogootooloob mut logolo bili bili abalam ilinn, bili bili henee ogoo pigeb otoosu ooguwa ogootooloob toomoonn hot nom ogootooloob igung mut nom ogootooloob igung toomoonn hot mut endete otoosu ya ya yab i yab i toomoonn mee mee nom noog otoob ogootooloob tuloomb igisisu eb a laba heb ilogulub, ilogulub ogootoosu onnol ooguwa heb ilogulub endete otoosu ya ya yab yab i toomoonn henee et i et i malum hala ogootooloob, nim mendee asam wasoom mooloometeb teleb igung Endee womoom om hiyol ogoo tondee mooloomootoob teleb ogooteleb mondog oboob pigeb igung. toomoonn onnol sandil pigeb igung. toomoonn sandil nom onnol pigoob, sandil asam teleb igung. sandil mondog oboob igung yongum sog mee mee higeb asam omboo teleb igung. tooloob ogootooloob lagab inemb igung. pet ooguwa nisil hala, ogootooloob heb igung oo. uma teb heb ogooteleb i toomoonn om hoogumb igung. toomoonn his bili niyo nom wees ebeb igung. yombonn heb nom wees ebeb igung eningol nom ebeb igung. oboob yab eningol leb nom mesag nemb igung. teb nom wi hala ogootooloob yombonn nom ebeb salab oboob neleb nemb igung nemb igisisu wi hala ogootooloob om toomoonn his nom soogutugub mohis hutee utug eb ongoo sugum ulub igung. nom utub igung. igel nom neleb salab oog neleb, endet nemb igung.