
last edited Aug. 4, 2023, 9:09 a.m. by Rhett

1-9 Hunting & Fishing 1-13 Tools & Instruments 9-1 Form & Rules of Government


Soso's dad was telling me about how they used to hunt using guns. From his description (off the recording) it must have been shot guns he was talking about (they break in half to reload and shoot many "bb's")

then he told a story about when a Magilong person pointed the gun at someone and so they had their gun confiscated


guns 1
last edited Aug. 4, 2023, 9:10 a.m. by Rhett

    Speaker: soso's dad

Orthographic text

oomboo ig agamb noom ee pusila wog ogoo mu ebemind ig om hutam om ebeb mandeb mandeb wog pusila wog oboob yab hogot wendemind ig hoom wendeb detee mandemind %ignore% Hem ig om utam ebemind ... enn aminim hem, ig hogot ubiyab hala ootootelebi, mena noog niya oogootelebi noom yabi wonuma yoom yabi Hiyab ogoo report nelebi noom hem baim (ebemind) pigemind baim pigeb oboob teb agambi oogoo yab hogot wendedemind noobok wendem... Walasi looboot yam Laba endet tugub oboob mandeb, ig oom meme oom ig endet oboob mandasi mandasi pusila amamind ig yangoo oboob tebasi emind mandug eb amasi pusila yooguwa wog hogot wendemind, noobug weleb nememind yam Hoom ologonn hala amend ig yoongoo oboob tabasi Noobug weleb hogot woolug oogwasi egee nalasi mandeb a hogot wendemind, noobug wendemind endetee neleb mandeb igitasi noom hem hoom yabi yabi isig hooloot isig hala oogooteleb i noom ee Licence oboob i yab, womoom yabi pepa (neyim sog) obo oom noom wi hooloot honn wi hala oogooteleb i, noom amemind oo yog hoyom wig oboob mandeb igitasi hogot hebi pa oogwasi yim ibagaleb li yog endinn og eb amasi hem oom oogwal ebemind abasi noomboo um oogootooloomung Noom ee hobol om tangeng soogul endetend (Did they shoot people) mohis mu wendemind. mohis wendebi noom yog kalabus egee yooguwa Oomboo yog hogot his wooloob niyas noobug hulub weleb niyas hobol mondu endet amasi hem om ebemind (who had them) hem om ig manduga hambul om ebemind ig oogoo manduga hambul hem ebemind noom hem noom anamag Yoonee hem oboob a mandoot onn hwom tugub ebeb agamoot ig kookooma ebemind koombumbuwa ebemind evesil ebemind ingis ebemind, magilong ebemind pusila ig om hutam ebeb yogumo yab a mandemind tolokum mu ebemind ig om hutam oboob yogumo a mandoot am hobol noom detee his, om soogul egee pigoom

getting a gun revoked
last edited Aug. 4, 2023, 9:10 a.m. by Rhett

    Speaker: soso's dad

Orthographic text

pusila anamog oom uma oogootelebi, ig oom ogoo yooguwasi noom magilong wog lebemind Leb ameming yogol wendeb oogooteleb teb higugu tugub ogoo iguguma eb i Gun oboob lebi makim pigasi ig om lagab ilib i om ee hobol om oboob yab, police wogoonoong report piyasi Gun noom oogwal ebemind