General questions about sickness

last edited Sept. 13, 2023, 9:57 a.m. by Steve

3-8 Health & Sickness culture-summary


  1. etilig ig yog endegee om megite mee? etilig unim amee (What sicknesses are there?)
  2. megite henee ogoo ig etilig umb igung? (What causes sicknesses?)
  3. mohis ib holomotob etilig egee hann ig? (Does stepping on poop make you sick?)
  4. hogot etilig uma mohis nemb etilig egee hann ig? (Does eating a sick pig make you sick?)
  5. mohis etilig bili henim eb, mehamonn loogooneeng om megite mee? (What should a sick person do to get better?)
  6. mohis etilig honn ogoo nonn lagab mu obogogonn ig oo wig ig? (Were you ever afraid to touch a sick person?)
  7. mohis etilig ooboogooloob onn etilig oboob igisininn ig? (If you touch a sick person will you get their sick?)


Interview - Semik, general sickness
last edited Sept. 13, 2023, 9:57 a.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

1: 0:00:00 hutam hutam om unim endet tutumul etilig heb igung mesil etilig heb igung hogu ilool etilig nom oboogoong heb igung em homongot ilool heb igung etilig nomboo heb igung wayigom etilig nom teb agamb igung hogu nonot etilig om teb egee agamb igung 2: 0:00:29 em igung mehamonn giliminn neleb mandeb etilig hum agamb heb igung yoolu yab wendet etilig hum heb igung sibelig hot higeb wayigom nang heb igung igel ologob heleb oo igel woloob etilig om heb igung mohis hutee yog wendegee womboo etilig yog enda etilig om umb heb igung mohis howig heb nom amb igung 3: 0:00:55 endet nom amb igung noobug ib holoometeb etilig iba igung mohis ib asam omboo holoometeb etilig oboob igung nagig om yab ogoomaga heb igung yog etilig nomboo higeb endet nom amb igung mohis hutee waga wo wonda hes nom nemb i etilig oboong heb igung endet amb igung enn hot hogu heseb igugum ib holoomotoogoom enn etilig egee enim? hot hogu nog mandeb nom hutee ib holoomotob nom etilig ib holoomotoob etilig mu egee obug heb igung humann mandeb ib ina poloomoosu nagig om ig ogoo tebegee yam endet amb igung nagig nom etilig ig nom egee om tebegee amb igung 4: 0:01:50 hogot etilig heb agamb om noolo mesil noolo nom nemb i mohis hogot etilig endet uma mohis om nemb i etilig nom mohis oboong heb endet nom amb igung 5: 0:02:08 mohis mesil etilig nom bili henim heb ol simonn nomol ogoo yab nemb nom bili henim nom neleb igu om hogu nonot etilig nom yab halimum nomol oboob wog nomol ogoo pigeb nomol iseb hogu nonot nom tutumul ilib bili henim eb nom neleb igu om onnol etilig hum higeb ebinn onnol musu pigeb i abagam pinot nom pigeb i bili heleb egee henim eb nom neleb igu mesisoo hiyol ogotub etilig nom taba umb igung oo hus agabi ig nemb i hus henee ogoo nang ig heb nom sannateb teleb nom bili ig nom neleb igung hiyam nom nemb nom neleb igung endet neleb bili hang eb endet nom amb igung 6: 0:03:03 honn hiyol ogoo mohis etilig oolooguwo oolooguwo ubasi yogol lagab igugum lagab endet mu yab wo heb igung onnol etilig bili hala ig yab heb igung onn etilig ig ogoo tebinn og heb i ig lagab mu yab heb igung onn etilig enn yab egee tebinn og ig lagab mu yab heb igung 7: 0:03:33 mehamonn heb igung etilig hum asam hum uma hogu ebegeleb heb igung etilig yo eneng egee tebinn oboogooloob hoolo wig nom mu ebegeleb heb igung lagab igung lagab mu ebegeleb igung onn etilig ig yongoo tebinn og egee lagab mu egee heb igung

Interview - Set, sickness
last edited Sept. 13, 2023, 9:57 a.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

1: 0:00:00 (mesil, headache, fever, spirit comes inside pain kubi sindigee, skin sigarap/grilee, leg pain, skin pain, belly pain, diahorrea, skin cold sick, skin hot sick, ear pain, liver pain) 2: 0:00:48 (we don't know. We put some thinking and sickness comes. Our ancestors had this hevi, and we got their hevi, and we get the same sickness. If I ai gris things of a brother I get sick. If I steal something, or ground from someone sickness comes. If a brother has a hevi I support then - stand a post, I see this hevi. If I have disagreement with someone my bel will break and I'll have a hevi. If I leave good pasin hevis will come) 3: 0:01:50 (yes if I stand on poop a worm will get in and make me sick.) 4: 0:02:08 (yes, if I eat a sick pig I will get it's sickness. I could get it's sores or sigarap. I'll get it's sickness) 5: 0:02:32 (The leaders will tell me what to do. I confess to them and do as they say and we'll talk true. We get better and wanbel is there. We don't have doctors or medicine, this is the right way of doing it) 6: 0:03:15 (the man will talk and make things clear - confessing sin, or they will do as the leaders say and ask God for healing, that is the road. He gives his hevi to the leaders saying my bad thinking is like this, my bad deeds were like this, my worry is this it's all in the open now and I'm going to be ok.) 7: 0:04:05 (No I won't get his sickness. - he's referring to God as inda - we'll pray and ask God for wanbel and to finish the sick. We put it into God's hands)

Interview - Samuel, sickness
last edited Sept. 13, 2023, 9:57 a.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

1: 0:00:00 (cold sickness, hot head, stomach pain, fever, skin pain. skin pain gets big and kills people. Head pain hits us with sick) 2: 0:00:32 (if some of us have a hevi sickness comes. If we have bad behaviour sickness and pain come, head pain comes. If I don't have knowledge sickness comes. If I hit my sister? sickness comes. Leg pain is from not looking after legs. Stomach and spleen sickness is from doing a bad thing I shouldn't have done. These sickness get us and we die) 3: 0:01:19 (We don't know if we get sick from stepping on poop, but we do know that stepping on dog, pig or people poo makes our legs itchy) 4: 0:01:38 (It's like this if a pig is sick and dies people don't eat it. The pig's sickness might go to people and so we bury the pig. If it just dies, like it falls off a cliff or a stick shoots it and it dies we'll eat that) 5: 0:01:59 (if there's a big sick and the guy wants to get better we did bad behaviour, like using power, or taking things or just talking. We leave that kind of bad behaviour and become like children? We put the bad behavour under and the sickness will go and he'll get better. If go down and he goes down and we don't go with the hevi to the leaders our hevi will go bad the sickness will grow and we'll die) 6: 0:02:47 (if there's a sick person with us and he dies his sickness was bad. Our elders said that. A sickness like that we won't touch the person, just the strong people will bury them. The family won't touch them, they'll scatter)